Lowongan kerja PT. Mitra Dana Putra Utama Finance

Posted by Unknown On Senin, 31 Desember 2012 0 komentar
Advertised:31-12-12 | Closing Date:30-01-13PT Mitra Dana Putra Utama Finance Cabang Bekasi - Jawa BaratLowongan kerja Kolektor - PT. Mitra Dana Putra Utama Finance (MDPU FINANCE) adalah sebuah perusahaan pembiayaan yang memiliki izin untuk menjalankan kegiatan Sewa Guna Usaha, Anjak Piutang,...

Lowongan Kerja ODP SME - SUMATERA (ODP untuk Small Medium Enterprise)

Posted by Unknown On Senin, 31 Desember 2012 0 komentar
Advertised:22-12-12 | Closing Date:21-1-13Human Capital BII - Palembang (Sumatera Selatan), Medan (Sumatera Utara)Lowongan Kerja ODP SME - Kesempatan berkarir untuk putra putri daerah Palembang (Sumatera Selatan) dan Medan (Sumatera Utara). Dalam rangka untuk meningkatkan kinerja pada...

Lowongan Kerja ODP SME - JATIM, BALI & NUSRA (ODP untuk Small Medium Enterprise)

Posted by Unknown On Senin, 31 Desember 2012 0 komentar
Advertised:22-12-12 | Closing Date:21-1-13Human Capital BII - Surabaya (Jawa Timur)Lowongan Kerja ODP SME - Kesempatan berkarir untuk putra putri daerah Jatim, Bali dan Nusa Tenggara. Dalam rangka untuk meningkatkan kinerja pada cabang-cabang dan dikhususkan pada bisnis SME, kami membuka...

Lowongan Kerja PT Dharmamulia Prima Karya (Posisi: Helper Packing Loading)

Posted by Unknown On Minggu, 30 Desember 2012 0 komentar
Lowongan Kerja PT Dharmamulia Prima Karya, PT Dharmamulia Prima Karya adalah perusahaan penyedia jasa di bidang Human Resource, Transportasi, Engineering, pergudangan, serta General Trading. PT Dharmamulia Prima Karya telah menunjukkan kemajuan serta perkembangan yang lebih baik hingga...

Lowongan Kerja PT Dharmamulia Prima Karya (Posisi Maintenance)

Posted by Unknown On Minggu, 30 Desember 2012 0 komentar
Lowongan Kerja PT Dharmamulia Prima Karya, PT Dharmamulia Prima Karya adalah perusahaan penyedia jasa di bidang Human Resource, Transportasi, Engineering, pergudangan, serta General Trading.PT Dharmamulia Prima Karya telah menunjukkan kemajuan serta perkembangan yang lebih baik hingga...

Lowongan Kerja PT Dharmamulia Prima Karya (Posisi: Marketing Bank)

Posted by Unknown On Minggu, 30 Desember 2012 0 komentar
Lowongan Kerja PT Dharmamulia Prima Karya, PT Dharmamulia Prima Karya adalah perusahaan penyedia jasa di bidang Human Resource, Transportasi, Engineering, pergudangan, serta General Trading.PT Dharmamulia Prima Karya telah menunjukkan kemajuan serta perkembangan yang lebih baik hingga...

PT Astra Honda Motor

Posted by Unknown On Kamis, 27 Desember 2012 0 komentar
PT Astra Honda Motor was the manufacturing & distribution of the largest motorcycle in Indonesia, with the number of employees more than 10,000 people. In accordance with the vision of the company, PT. Astra Honda Motor is always working to provide the best mobility solution that could meet customer needs with world-class management system.For that we need the best human resources...

Surat Lamaran Kerja Civil Engineer III

Posted by Unknown On Rabu, 26 Desember 2012 0 komentar
Attn To:HRD DEPARTMENTPT KGI BATAMDear Sir,After I read the advertisement at ................ That your company needs employee for the position of Civil Engineer. Here with, I would like to apply for the position about.My name is .................. I am ... years old. Graduated from University of ........... Jakarta in Civil Department with GPA 3,xx. I am interested to joint you in...

Surat Lamaran Kerja Marketing Officer III

Posted by Unknown On Minggu, 23 Desember 2012 0 komentar
HR Services Dept.PT Holcim Indonesia TbkRe : An Application Letter As Marketing OfficerDear Sir or Madam,I learned about a possible at your company. I believe that I have necessary credentials to fill the position and that there would be a good fit between my skills and interest to your need.As my resume indicated, I am ... years old. I graduated from .......... University Jakarta majoring...

Surat Lamaran Kerja Production Manager

Posted by Unknown On Minggu, 23 Desember 2012 0 komentar
To: HRD ManagerPT. ..................Dear Sir,I would likes to apply for the position of Production Manager, which was advertised in Daily Kompas. I am very interested in applying for this position and I hope that you will seriously consider my application.I had a good interpersonal skills whether in Indonesia or in English, strong leadership skill, highly motivated, willing to learn,...

Surat Lamaran Kerja XXIV

Posted by Unknown On Minggu, 23 Desember 2012 0 komentar
Jakarta, ... 2012Hal : Lamaran PekerjaanKepada Yth,Manajer PT. ...Jl. ... No. ..JakartaDengan hormat,Setelah saya membaca surat kabar .., saya mendapatkan informasi bahwa PT. .., berencana mengembangkan Departemen ...Sehubungan dengan hal tersebut, perkenankan saya mengajukan diri (melamar kerja) untuk bergabung dalam rencana pengembangan PT. ...Mengenai diri saya, dapat saya jelaskan...

Surat Lamaran Kerja Customer Service Manager II

Posted by Unknown On Jumat, 21 Desember 2012 0 komentar
To:Human Resources DepartmentBank DBSSubject: Job Application for Customer Service ManagerDear Sir,I, (your name) in the interest of exploring employment opportunities with your organization, I have enclosed my curriculum vitae (C.V.), for your review and consideration.My strong work ethics and attention to market detail would prove extremely valuable to your company that makes customer...

Surat Permohonan Bimbingan Skripsi

Posted by Unknown On Jumat, 21 Desember 2012 0 komentar
SURAT PERMOHONAN BIMBINGAN SKRIPSIPerihal : PERMOHONAN BIMBINGAN SKRIPSIKepada: Yth. ....Ketua/Sekretaris Jur....Fakultas ....JakartaYang bertanda tangan dibawah ini :Nama :........NIM :.........Alamat :...........Telp/HP :............IPK :......./ Total SKS:...Sisa SKS :..............Konsentrasi :..........Mengajukan permohonan bimbingan skripsi pada semester : ..... Ganjil/Genap Tahun...

PT Britmindo

Posted by Unknown On Senin, 17 Desember 2012 0 komentar
PT Britmindo is an established professional Mining company providing services that include Mine Development, Mine Management, Operational Improvements, Technical Studies and Consultancy to the leading Indonesian mining companies, international banks, local and foreign investors. We are committed to developing skills and providing opportunities for all our employees to ensure that...

Surat Lamaran Kerja Tenant Relations Manager

Posted by Unknown On Senin, 17 Desember 2012 0 komentar
Human Resources ManagerPT Mandiri Dipta Ciptaat .....Dear Sir/ Madam,I am writing in regard to your advertisement that concerning your need for a Tenant Relations Manager. Nevertheless, I need to improve my professional ability and challenge myself to my maximum capability. I am sure that I can find it as I work in your professional team.I am a young energetic man. I am an easy-going...

CV Dalam Bahasa Inggris IV

Posted by Unknown On Senin, 17 Desember 2012 0 komentar
PERSONAL DATAName :Address :Telephone :Date of Birth :Place of Birth :Height :Weight :Physical Condition : ExcellentMarital Status :Sex :Education Background:Attended the ... Department, University of .... from 2000 - ...Senior High School from 2000-2003 at SMUN .. JakartaJunior High School from 1997-2000 at SLTPN .. JakartaElementary School from 1991-1997 at SDN .. JakartaExtracurricular...

Surat Lamaran Kerja Personal Banking Officer

Posted by Unknown On Senin, 17 Desember 2012 0 komentar
To.Human Resources DepartmentDANAMON BANK. PT, TbkDear Personnel Manager,I would like to apply for Personal Banking Officer which suitable with my educational background and working experience in your company.I graduated from ................ University in 20xx with GPA 3.xx. I had work experiences as Personal Banking Officer in PT. Mandiri Tbk.I believe my education, personal characteristics,...

Surat Lamaran Kerja Customer Care Officer II

Posted by Unknown On Senin, 17 Desember 2012 0 komentar
Attn:Personnel ManagerPT. Indoprima MikroselindoDear Sir/ Madam,Following to the information I have got on Month, 20xx, that your company look for new candidate to join your excellent team work. I would like to explore the possibility of joining as Customer Care Officer (CCO) within your company.My name is ............., ... years of age, single, and have a safe and sound of health....

PT Tirta Investama (Danone Aqua)

Posted by Unknown On Minggu, 16 Desember 2012 0 komentar
PT Tirta Investama (Danone Aqua), Danone is the world’s fastest moving consumer goods company, today focus in Dairy, Beverages, Baby Nutrition, Medical Nutrition which its mission to bring health through food to the largest number of people .AQUA, as part of DANONE Group, is a leading Beverage Company in Indonesia and no.1 water producer in the world, invites high competent Professionals...

Surat Lamaran Kerja Dalam Bahasa Inggris XI

Posted by Unknown On Senin, 10 Desember 2012 0 komentar
(your address) Jakarta, Indonesia......, 2012 Dear Sirs.I have read your advertisement in .... Newspaper and anxious to apply for ...I was graduated form the ... Department, University of ... Jakarta, in 2012. My major studies were ... subjects and my minor studies were ...On the enclosed data sheet you will find additional information about my general qualification.After you have analyzed...

Surat Lamaran Kerja Support Engineer

Posted by Unknown On Senin, 10 Desember 2012 0 komentar
To:Personnel DepartmentPT. KURNIA ABADI SELARASDear Sir/Madam,I am seeing your fast growing organization and I heard that your company has a good reputation, so I encourage my self to submit this application letter to show great interest in working at your company. I would like to join with your company asSupport Engineer.My name is ................, I am ... years of age and I graduated...

PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia, Tbk (Bank BRI)

Posted by Unknown On Sabtu, 08 Desember 2012 0 komentar
PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia, Tbk (Bank BRI) - As a state-owned bank, BRI played a key role in realizing the government’s vision in the development of people’s economy. BRI offers services to customers through a network that are spread all over Indonesia and supported by professional human resources who implement the Good Corporate Governance practices. BRI creates values and produce...

Surat Lamaran Kerja Mechanical Engineering III

Posted by Unknown On Jumat, 07 Desember 2012 0 komentar
Kepada Yth :Manajer HRDPT.EPSON BATAMDear Sir,Regarding to the Information at .... on (Month ..th 20xx), about job Vacancy that your company seeking for new employed for position as Mechanical Engineering , and I would like to apply for that job.I am ... year old was graduated from Diploma III Technology Industry, University Of ........... on 20xxx with GPA 2.xx. I have been Working...

PT Unilever Indonesia TBK.

Posted by Unknown On Kamis, 06 Desember 2012 0 komentar
PT Unilever Indonesia TBK. The Group's principal activities are manufacturing and distributing consumer goods including soaps, detergents, margarine, sauces, snacks, dairy based foods, ice cream, tea based beverages, cosmetic products and fruit juice.Its brands include Pepsodent, Pond's, Lifebouy, Sunsilk, Clear, Vaseline, Rinso, Surf, Blue Band, Royco, Dove, Lux, Sunlight, Taro,...

PT. Thiess Contractors Indonesia

Posted by Unknown On Kamis, 06 Desember 2012 0 komentar
PT. Thiess Contractors Indonesia – Thiess is a multinational company with over 6000 employees in Indonesia. Our business provides integrated services in mining, civil construction, process engineering, and telecommunication throughout Indonesia. We are currently seeking : Engineer PlantJob No.: 855560Department: Plant DepartmentWork type: Permanent (Indonesia only) Reporting to...


Posted by Unknown On Rabu, 05 Desember 2012 0 komentar
TOTAL E&P INDONESIE is a 100% Indonesian Subsidiary of the Paris based TOTAL Group, having its Head Office in Jakarta and operational sites in East Kalimantan. It was incorporated in Jakarta on 14 August 1968. Since then, it has been working partnership with the Indonesian Government, as a Production Sharing Contractor in the search for, and development of, Indonesia's vast...

Surat Lamaran Kerja Room Boy

Posted by Unknown On Rabu, 05 Desember 2012 0 komentar
Attention to:HRD ManagerThe Ritz-Carlton JakartaJl. Lingkar Mega KuninganDear Sir/Madam,I wrote this application letter in order to explore the possibility of working in your company. I would like to apply as Room Boy in your Hotel. I would greatly appreciate an opportunity to convince you that my services would be an asset to your Hotel. I assure you that a high level of efficiency...


Posted by Unknown On Selasa, 04 Desember 2012 0 komentar
Royal Dutch Shell plc was established more than a hundred years ago in Indonesia. Today Shell is a global company operating in over 100 countries and regions throughout the world, and employing more than 102,000 people. Shell Indonesia has been established as one of the fastest growing lubricants, retail fuels and bitumen business in the country and has strong commitment to strengthen...

Surat Lamaran Kerja Room Attendant III

Posted by Unknown On Senin, 03 Desember 2012 0 komentar
Human Resources DepartmentSari Pan PacificJakartaIndonesiaDear Sir,I am applying position as Room Attendant in this company. the position seems to fit very well with my education, experience, and career interest.I have do my job as a Room Attendant in Hotel ......... I am confident that I can perform the job effectively. furthermore. I am genuinely interested in this position and working...

Tips Cara Cepat Mendapatkan Pekerjaan

Posted by Unknown On Minggu, 02 Desember 2012 0 komentar
Mencari pekerjaan merupakan hal susah-susah gampang. Sebagian orang membutuhkan waktu yang lama untuk memperolehnya, namun sebagian lagi tidak membutuhkan waktu lama, bahkan ada yang dengan mudah berpindah-pindah dari satu perusahaan ke perusahaan yang lain. Kadang Anda pasti merasa bosan dalam masa pencarian pekerjaan tersebut. 1-2 bulan mungkin belum begitu menggangu, 3-4 bulan mungkin...

Surat Lamaran Kerja Executive Secretary

Posted by Unknown On Jumat, 30 November 2012 0 komentar
To :Human Resources ManagerHotel JW Marriott JakartaJL. Lingkar Mega Kuningan Kav E 1.2 No 1&2 Jakarta 12950I am writing to enquire if you have an Executive Secretary position of service Hospitality industry any available especially on your recruiter for service Industry. I am interested in joining your Hospitality and I will be most grateful to know whether you will consider my...

Surat Lamaran Kerja Sales Promotion Girl

Posted by Unknown On Kamis, 29 November 2012 0 komentar
Human Resources ManagerPT Direct VisionJl. ...................Dear Sir,I have heard your announcement from my Internet, that you are looking for a suitable candidate to be hired for Sales Promotion Girl (SPG). I herewith apply for the position you offered.I am a fresh graduate from ............. University, the faculty of ........, majoring in ............... I am ... years old and...

Surat Lamaran Kerja Engineering Supervisor

Posted by Unknown On Jumat, 23 November 2012 0 komentar
To:PT SANKO GOSEI TECHNOLOGY INDONESIADear Sir/Madam,This letter confirms my interest on joining your company as Engineering Supervisor. It was my deepest hope to work with team of professionals that will enable me to develop my potentials and knowledge in reaching company objectives.I am ... years old and graduated from ............ University Jakarta, majoring in ......... Engineering...


Posted by Unknown On Rabu, 21 November 2012 0 komentar
PT Berau Coal was established in 1983 and is a first generation Coal Contractor. It produces coal in berau area of East Kalimantan within the conession awarded to the Company under the Cal Development Cooperation Contract system established by the Government of Indonesia. PT. Berau Coal is a joint venture between PT. Armadian Tritunggal (51%) dan Rognar Holding B.V (39%), a Netherlands...

Surat Lamaran Kerja Architect IV

Posted by Unknown On Selasa, 20 November 2012 0 komentar
To : HUMAN RESOURCES DEPARTMENTPT Mandiri Dipta CiptaDear Sir/ Madame,As a graduate from ................ University Jakarta, I am very interested to fulfill any kind of positions in your company. I am holding Bachelor's Degree in Technical Architecture specialize in Drafting.I able to operate kinds of computer programs such as Ms Office (advanced), Photoshop (advanced), CorelDraw (advanced),...


Posted by Unknown On Selasa, 20 November 2012 0 komentar
PT Smartfren Telecom, part of Sinar Mas group, has been established to provide the most innovative, advanced and high quality cellular sevice in Indonesia. Supported by CDMA2000 1x EVDO REV-A Technology, we provide high quality voice and high speed internet (mobile broadband) to our customers. Nowadays Smartfren Telecom has been operating in most cities in Java, Sumatera, Bali,...

Tips Menjawab Pertanyaan Tersulit Dalam Wawancara Pekerjaan

Posted by Unknown On Senin, 19 November 2012 0 komentar
Sudah bukan rahasia lagi kalau interview atau wawancara pekerjaan merupakan hal paling kritikal untuk mendapatkan pekerjaan yang Anda inginkan. Karena itu, tentu Anda tahu bahwa Anda harus mempersiapkan diri Anda seprima mungkin, baik fisik dan mental. Ketok kali ini akan memberi Anda tips untuk menghadapi delapan belas pertanyaan yang paling umum dan tersulit dalam sebuah wawancara...

Surat Lamaran Kerja Customer Care Officer

Posted by Unknown On Senin, 19 November 2012 0 komentar
Attention to :Human Resources departmentPT. Indoprima MikroselindoDear Sir or Madam,I am ... years of age interested in applying for position as Customer Care Officer in your company. Although the position is highly competitive, I hope you would be consider me adjust to my qualification.I graduated from .......... Bachelor Degree ............. University in 20xx with GPA 3.xx. I had...

Lowongan Kerja JNE

Posted by Unknown On Minggu, 18 November 2012 0 komentar
JNE is a national leading company that provides one stop service solution for Logistics and Distribution, which are city courier, domestic courier, international courier, logistics and distribution, international sea and air cargo, moving, trucking, and warehousing, express custom clearance,...

Lowongan Kerja Imeco Inter Sarana

Posted by Unknown On Minggu, 18 November 2012 0 komentar
Since its establishment in 1972, PT Imeco Inter Sarana has emerged as a leading Indonesian company providing a broad range of products and services for various energy projects. Imeco's core business activities cover the following markets Oil & gas industry, Power generation industry,...

Lowongan Kerja Navigat Energy

Posted by Unknown On Minggu, 18 November 2012 0 komentar
PT. Navigat Energy is a European Management Company: aspiring to inspire the Indonesian Industry for utilizing the natural renounces or the country as an alternative for oil. We are the market leaders in Gas Engines in Indonesia and provide a wide range power generation services and equipment...

Lowongan Kerja METRO Pondok Indah Mall

Posted by Unknown On Minggu, 18 November 2012 1 komentar
METRO Department Store is one of the leading retailers in Indonesia operating 5 stores, 4 in Jakarta and one in Bandung. The first METRO store opened in 1991 at Mal Pondok Indah catering to the needs of the residents of the exclusive Pondok Indah and surrounding residential districts.With...