Advertised:31-12-12 | Closing Date:30-01-13
PT Mitra Dana Putra Utama Finance Cabang Bekasi - Jawa Barat
PT Mitra Dana Putra Utama Finance Cabang Bekasi membuka lowongan kerja terbaru dengan ketentuan dan persyaratan sebagai berikut:
1. Minimal Lulusan SLTA
2. Memiliki Kendaraan Pribadi
3. Berkemauan keras & berloyalitas tinggi
4. Usia Maksimal 35 tahun
5. Diutamakan berlokasi wilayah Bekasi
*) Only short-listed candidates will be invited via e-mail/phone for Test and Interview
Anda juga dapat melihat lowongan kerja 2013 lainnya dalam blog ini.
PT Mitra Dana Putra Utama Finance Cabang Bekasi - Jawa Barat
Lowongan kerja Kolektor - PT. Mitra Dana Putra Utama Finance (MDPU FINANCE) adalah sebuah perusahaan pembiayaan yang memiliki izin untuk menjalankan kegiatan Sewa Guna Usaha, Anjak Piutang, kartu kredit dan Pembiayaan Konsumen. MDPU FINANCE didirikan di Jakarta dan berfokus pada pembiayaan konsumen khususnya kendaraan bermotor.
PT Mitra Dana Putra Utama Finance Cabang Bekasi membuka lowongan kerja terbaru dengan ketentuan dan persyaratan sebagai berikut:
1. Minimal Lulusan SLTA
2. Memiliki Kendaraan Pribadi
3. Berkemauan keras & berloyalitas tinggi
4. Usia Maksimal 35 tahun
5. Diutamakan berlokasi wilayah Bekasi
Anda tertarik dengan Info lowongan kerja ini, segera Kirimkan lamaran Anda ke alamat Jl Jend Sudirman Ruko 16 No 16AE Kayuringin Berkasi Bekasi.
*) Only short-listed candidates will be invited via e-mail/phone for Test and Interview
Anda juga dapat melihat lowongan kerja 2013 lainnya dalam blog ini.
Advertised:22-12-12 | Closing Date:21-1-13
Human Capital BII - Palembang (Sumatera Selatan), Medan (Sumatera Utara)
ketentuan dan persyaratan sebagai berikut:
1. Min. lulusan S1 dari semua jurusan
2. IPK Min. 2,75
3. Usia maksimum 26 tahun untuk lulusan S1 dan 29 tahun untuk lulusan S2
4. Berorientasi pada target kerja
5. Memiliki ketrampilan interpersonal, komunikasi, dan negosiasi yang baik
HC Resourcing Centrer
Bank Internasional Indonesia
Sentral Senayan 3, lantai 24
Jln. Asia Afrika No. 8
Senayan Gelora Bung Karno
Jakarta, 10270
Atau melalui email ke :
dan cc ke
*) Test seleksi bagi kandidat yang memenuhi kualifikasi akan dilakukan di kota Medan dan Palembang
Anda juga dapat melihat lowongan kerja 2013 lainnya.
Human Capital BII - Palembang (Sumatera Selatan), Medan (Sumatera Utara)
Lowongan Kerja ODP SME - Kesempatan berkarir untuk putra putri daerah Palembang (Sumatera Selatan) dan Medan (Sumatera Utara). Dalam rangka untuk meningkatkan kinerja pada cabang-cabang dan dikhususkan pada bisnis SME, kami membuka lowongan kerja terbaru bagi putera puteri terbaik yang mampu serta siap membangun karir dengan mengikuti ODP – SME (Officer Development Program untuk Small Medium Enterprise). Program ODP ini adalah program yang menawarkan percepatan karir untuk Anda, putera puteri yang memiliki integritas dan kinerja yang baik. Dengan mengikuti training dan program pengembangan intensif,
Anda kemudian akan ditugaskan sebagai Assistant Manager di unit kerja SME, yang ada di jaringan cabang BII khususnya di wilayah Palembang (Sumatera Selatan) dan Medan (Sumatera Utara) untuk kemudian dikembangkan menjadi calon pemimpin BII di masa depan. Dengan mengingat pentingnya hal ini bagi pertumbuhan bisnis BII, maka hanya kandidat terbaik yang diharapkan untuk mengisi posisi ini.
Anda kemudian akan ditugaskan sebagai Assistant Manager di unit kerja SME, yang ada di jaringan cabang BII khususnya di wilayah Palembang (Sumatera Selatan) dan Medan (Sumatera Utara) untuk kemudian dikembangkan menjadi calon pemimpin BII di masa depan. Dengan mengingat pentingnya hal ini bagi pertumbuhan bisnis BII, maka hanya kandidat terbaik yang diharapkan untuk mengisi posisi ini.
ketentuan dan persyaratan sebagai berikut:
1. Min. lulusan S1 dari semua jurusan
2. IPK Min. 2,75
3. Usia maksimum 26 tahun untuk lulusan S1 dan 29 tahun untuk lulusan S2
4. Berorientasi pada target kerja
5. Memiliki ketrampilan interpersonal, komunikasi, dan negosiasi yang baik
Anda tertarik dengan Info lowongan kerja ini, segera Kirimkan lamaran Anda beserta CV, Transkrip, dan foto terakhir dengan mencantumkan Kode ODP-Medan dan Kode ODP-Palembang pada pojok kanan atas amplop atau subjek email paling lambat tanggal 31 Januari 2013, ke:
HC Resourcing Centrer
Bank Internasional Indonesia
Sentral Senayan 3, lantai 24
Jln. Asia Afrika No. 8
Senayan Gelora Bung Karno
Jakarta, 10270
Atau melalui email ke :
dan cc ke
*) Test seleksi bagi kandidat yang memenuhi kualifikasi akan dilakukan di kota Medan dan Palembang
Anda juga dapat melihat lowongan kerja 2013 lainnya.
Advertised:22-12-12 | Closing Date:21-1-13
Human Capital BII - Surabaya (Jawa Timur)
Dengan ketentuan dan persyaratan sebagai berikut:
1. Min. lulusan S1 dari semua jurusan
2. IPK Min. 2,75
3. Usia maksimum 26 tahun untuk lulusan S1 dan 29 tahun untuk lulusan S2
4. Berorientasi pada target kerja
5. Memiliki ketrampilan interpersonal, komunikasi, dan negosiasi yang baik
HC Resourcing Centrer
Bank Internasional Indonesia
Sentral Senayan 3, lantai 24
Jln. Asia Afrika No. 8
Senayan Gelora Bung Karno
Jakarta, 10270
Atau melalui email ke :
dan cc ke
*) Test seleksi bagi kandidat yang memenuhi kualifikasi akan dilakukan di kota Surabaya
Anda juga dapat melihat lowongan kerja 2013 lainnya.
Human Capital BII - Surabaya (Jawa Timur)
Lowongan Kerja ODP SME - Kesempatan berkarir untuk putra putri daerah Jatim, Bali dan Nusa Tenggara. Dalam rangka untuk meningkatkan kinerja pada cabang-cabang dan dikhususkan pada bisnis SME, kami membuka lowongan kerja terbaru bagi putera puteri terbaik yang mampu serta siap membangun karir dengan mengikuti ODP – SME (Officer Development Program untuk Small Medium Enterprise). Program ODP ini adalah program yang menawarkan percepatan karir untuk Anda, putera puteri yang memiliki integritas dan kinerja yang baik. Dengan mengikuti training dan program pengembangan intensif, Anda kemudian akan ditugaskan sebagai Assistant Manager di unit kerja SME, yang ada di jaringan cabang BII khususnya di wilayah Jawa Timur, Bali dan Nusa Tenggara untuk kemudian dikembangkan menjadi calon pemimpin BII di masa depan. Dengan mengingat pentingnya hal ini bagi pertumbuhan bisnis BII, maka hanya kandidat terbaik yang diharapkan untuk mengisi posisi ini.
Dengan ketentuan dan persyaratan sebagai berikut:
1. Min. lulusan S1 dari semua jurusan
2. IPK Min. 2,75
3. Usia maksimum 26 tahun untuk lulusan S1 dan 29 tahun untuk lulusan S2
4. Berorientasi pada target kerja
5. Memiliki ketrampilan interpersonal, komunikasi, dan negosiasi yang baik
Anda tertarik dengan Info lowongan kerja ini, segera Kirimkan lamaran Anda beserta CV, Transkrip, dan foto terakhir dengan mencantumkan ODP - kota penyelenggara tes seleksi yaitu ODP - Surabaya pada pojok kanan atas amplop atau subjek email paling lambat tanggal 31 Januari 2013, ke:
HC Resourcing Centrer
Bank Internasional Indonesia
Sentral Senayan 3, lantai 24
Jln. Asia Afrika No. 8
Senayan Gelora Bung Karno
Jakarta, 10270
Atau melalui email ke :
dan cc ke
*) Test seleksi bagi kandidat yang memenuhi kualifikasi akan dilakukan di kota Surabaya
Anda juga dapat melihat lowongan kerja 2013 lainnya.
Lowongan Kerja PT Dharmamulia Prima Karya, PT Dharmamulia Prima Karya adalah perusahaan penyedia jasa di bidang Human Resource, Transportasi, Engineering, pergudangan, serta General Trading. PT Dharmamulia Prima Karya telah menunjukkan kemajuan serta perkembangan yang lebih baik hingga saat ini. PT Dharmamulia Prima Karya sedang membuka lowongan kerja terbaru dan membutuhkan beberapa kandidat untuk mengisi posisi Helper Packing Loading.
Pendidikan minimal SMU / SMK / Sederajat
Bersedia ditempatkan di Cengkareng
Mampu bekerja fisik (loading/unloading barang berat)
Benefit yang didapat:
IDR 1.700.000 - 1.750.000
Tunjangan Shift
Anda tertarik dengan Info lowongan kerja ini, segera kirim lamaran lengkap secepatnya, cantumkan kode posisi & no. handphone pd sudut kanan surat lamaran ke:
Anda juga dapat melihat lowongan kerja 2013 lainnya.
Lowongan kerja 2013 PT Dharmamulia Prima Karya
Pendidikan minimal SMU / SMK / Sederajat
Bersedia ditempatkan di Cengkareng
Mampu bekerja fisik (loading/unloading barang berat)
Benefit yang didapat:
IDR 1.700.000 - 1.750.000
Tunjangan Shift
Anda tertarik dengan Info lowongan kerja ini, segera kirim lamaran lengkap secepatnya, cantumkan kode posisi & no. handphone pd sudut kanan surat lamaran ke:
Anda juga dapat melihat lowongan kerja 2013 lainnya.
Lowongan Kerja PT Dharmamulia Prima Karya, PT Dharmamulia Prima Karya adalah perusahaan penyedia jasa di bidang Human Resource, Transportasi, Engineering, pergudangan, serta General Trading.
PT Dharmamulia Prima Karya telah menunjukkan kemajuan serta perkembangan yang lebih baik hingga saat ini.
PT Dharmamulia Prima Karya sedang membuka lowongan kerja terbaru dan membutuhkan beberapa kandidat untuk mengisi posisi Maintenance (Supporting master data dan sparepart project THEMIS).
Lowongan kerja 2013 PT Dharmamulia Prima Karya
Requirements:Pria dan wanita Usia maksimal 28 Tahun
Pendidikan minimal D3 (Teknik Mesin/Teknik Elektro/Teknik Mekatronik)
Sangat terbuka untuk Fresh Graduate
Ulet, tekun, bertanggung jawab, teliti, proaktif
Anda tertarik dengan Info lowongan kerja ini, segera kirim lamaran lengkap secepatnya, cantumkan kode posisi & no. handphone pd sudut kanan surat lamaran ke:
Anda juga dapat melihat lowongan kerja 2013 lainnya.
Lowongan Kerja PT Dharmamulia Prima Karya, PT Dharmamulia Prima Karya adalah perusahaan penyedia jasa di bidang Human Resource, Transportasi, Engineering, pergudangan, serta General Trading.
PT Dharmamulia Prima Karya telah menunjukkan kemajuan serta perkembangan yang lebih baik hingga saat ini.PT Dharmamulia Prima Karya sedang membuka lowongan kerja terbaru dan membutuhkan beberapa kandidat untuk mengisi posisi Marketing Bank (Funding dan Landing).
Lowongan kerja 2013 PT Dharmamulia Prima Karya
Untuk Marketing Funding :
Pendidikan minimal D3
Memiliki pengalaman dibidang marketing
Komunikatif, Supel, Ramah, Berpenampilan Menarik
Untuk Marketing Landing :
Pendidikan minimal D3
Memiliki pengalaman dibidang marketing
Komunikatif, Supel, Ramah, Berpenampilan Menarik
Benefit yang didapat:
IDR 1.500.000 - 1.700.000
Uang makan
Uang Transport
Anda tertarik dengan Info lowongan kerja ini, segera kirim lamaran lengkap secepatnya, cantumkan kode posisi & no. handphone pd sudut kanan surat lamaran ke:
Anda juga dapat melihat lowongan kerja 2013 lainnya.
PT Astra Honda Motor was the manufacturing & distribution of the largest motorcycle in Indonesia, with the number of employees more than 10,000 people. In accordance with the vision of the company, PT. Astra Honda Motor is always working to provide the best mobility solution that could meet customer needs with world-class management system.
For that we need the best human resources in a creative, innovative, competitive and ready to join in achieving that goal. In HR management, PT. Astra Honda Motor has a system of management of human resources professionals with the principles of Fair Internally and externally Competitive accompanied by the development of human resources through training programs and other development and a clear career path in line with the development of the motorcycle business increased.
For that we need the best human resources in a creative, innovative, competitive and ready to join in achieving that goal. In HR management, PT. Astra Honda Motor has a system of management of human resources professionals with the principles of Fair Internally and externally Competitive accompanied by the development of human resources through training programs and other development and a clear career path in line with the development of the motorcycle business increased.
- EHS P3A OFFICER - S1 - GAD-EHS P3 - 31-Des-12
- NEW MODEL ANALYST - S1 - TSD-NMA - 31-Des-12
- ENGINEER MQC - S1 - QR-MQC - 31-Des-12
- PDCA OFFICER - S1 - MKT-DEV - 31-Des-12
Attn To:
Dear Sir,
After I read the advertisement at ................ That your company needs employee for the position of Civil Engineer. Here with, I would like to apply for the position about.
My name is .................. I am ... years old. Graduated from University of ........... Jakarta in Civil Department with GPA 3,xx. I am interested to joint you in your company because I like challenge. I am a young, energetic, enthusiastic, confident person, relationship and willing to work harder both in individual and team.
I able to operating computer such as Window, Microsoft Office and the other applications. I also have work experiences for .. years at PT. ............ for the position Civil Engineer. I believe that may background meets the requirement in your company.
As a consideration I attach :
1. Curriculum vitae
2. Graduation letter
3. Transcript
4. ID card Photocopy
5. New Color Photo 4x6
I would like to appreciate if you give me opportunity to have an interview at your preference. I am looking forward to hearing your reply.
Sincerely yours,
Dear Sir,
After I read the advertisement at ................ That your company needs employee for the position of Civil Engineer. Here with, I would like to apply for the position about.
My name is .................. I am ... years old. Graduated from University of ........... Jakarta in Civil Department with GPA 3,xx. I am interested to joint you in your company because I like challenge. I am a young, energetic, enthusiastic, confident person, relationship and willing to work harder both in individual and team.
I able to operating computer such as Window, Microsoft Office and the other applications. I also have work experiences for .. years at PT. ............ for the position Civil Engineer. I believe that may background meets the requirement in your company.
As a consideration I attach :
1. Curriculum vitae
2. Graduation letter
3. Transcript
4. ID card Photocopy
5. New Color Photo 4x6
I would like to appreciate if you give me opportunity to have an interview at your preference. I am looking forward to hearing your reply.
Sincerely yours,
HR Services Dept.
PT Holcim Indonesia Tbk
Re : An Application Letter As Marketing Officer
Dear Sir or Madam,
I learned about a possible at your company. I believe that I have necessary credentials to fill the position and that there would be a good fit between my skills and interest to your need.
As my resume indicated, I am ... years old. I graduated from .......... University Jakarta majoring in........... I am proficient in English, oral and written. I have been worked as a Marketing Officer in PT. ..............
I Like a job which need challenge and more relationship. Moreover, my faculty, bosses and friends at work and school have always commented on the versatility of my skills and abilities. I have proven good academic,ability and sound leadership also people relation skills. I work well independently and am comfortable to liaison with people from various levels. In addition, I am highly-motivated, target-oriented an am capable of working under any given circumstances
I hope that I would be invited to attend an interview at your earliest convenience. Thank you in advance for you attention and I am looking forward to your reply.
Yours faithfully,
PT Holcim Indonesia Tbk
Re : An Application Letter As Marketing Officer
Dear Sir or Madam,
I learned about a possible at your company. I believe that I have necessary credentials to fill the position and that there would be a good fit between my skills and interest to your need.
As my resume indicated, I am ... years old. I graduated from .......... University Jakarta majoring in........... I am proficient in English, oral and written. I have been worked as a Marketing Officer in PT. ..............
I Like a job which need challenge and more relationship. Moreover, my faculty, bosses and friends at work and school have always commented on the versatility of my skills and abilities. I have proven good academic,ability and sound leadership also people relation skills. I work well independently and am comfortable to liaison with people from various levels. In addition, I am highly-motivated, target-oriented an am capable of working under any given circumstances
I hope that I would be invited to attend an interview at your earliest convenience. Thank you in advance for you attention and I am looking forward to your reply.
Yours faithfully,
To: HRD Manager
PT. ..................
Dear Sir,
I would likes to apply for the position of Production Manager, which was advertised in Daily Kompas. I am very interested in applying for this position and I hope that you will seriously consider my application.
I had a good interpersonal skills whether in Indonesia or in English, strong leadership skill, highly motivated, willing to learn, and can work in team. I able to operate computer with Windows and linux operating system and some program like MS-office, Visio, protel design, macromedia flash, visual C++, and assembler language.
I had completed my study at ................ University of Jakarta, in ......... with GPA 2,xx. I would like to be involved in a job where I work with all of my ability and to be able to use my technical experience and communication skills. Joining with your company will be a great opportunity as I could improve my abilities and contribute it to your company development.
In the meantime, I have enclosed my curriculum vitae, which details my major qualifications and abilities.
I hope you could invite me for an interview, noted that I will be available at your convenience. I am looking forward to hear good news from you. Thank you for your attention.
Sincerely Yours,
PT. ..................
Dear Sir,
I would likes to apply for the position of Production Manager, which was advertised in Daily Kompas. I am very interested in applying for this position and I hope that you will seriously consider my application.
I had a good interpersonal skills whether in Indonesia or in English, strong leadership skill, highly motivated, willing to learn, and can work in team. I able to operate computer with Windows and linux operating system and some program like MS-office, Visio, protel design, macromedia flash, visual C++, and assembler language.
I had completed my study at ................ University of Jakarta, in ......... with GPA 2,xx. I would like to be involved in a job where I work with all of my ability and to be able to use my technical experience and communication skills. Joining with your company will be a great opportunity as I could improve my abilities and contribute it to your company development.
In the meantime, I have enclosed my curriculum vitae, which details my major qualifications and abilities.
I hope you could invite me for an interview, noted that I will be available at your convenience. I am looking forward to hear good news from you. Thank you for your attention.
Sincerely Yours,
Jakarta, ... 2012
Hal : Lamaran Pekerjaan
Kepada Yth,
Manajer PT. ...
Jl. ... No. ..
Dengan hormat,
Setelah saya membaca surat kabar .., saya mendapatkan informasi bahwa PT. .., berencana mengembangkan Departemen ...
Sehubungan dengan hal tersebut, perkenankan saya mengajukan diri (melamar kerja) untuk bergabung dalam rencana pengembangan PT. ...
Mengenai diri saya, dapat saya jelaskan sebagai berikut :
Nama :
Tempat & tgl. Lahir :
Pendidikan Akhir :
Alamat :
Telepon, HP, e-mail :
Status Perkawinan :
Saat ini saya bekerja di PT. (nama perusahaan tempat anda bekerja saat itu) , sebagai staf ..., dengan fokus utama pekerjaan di bidang ...
Sebagai bahan pertimbangan, saya lampirkan :
1. Daftar Riwayat Hidup.
2. Foto copy ijazah S-1.
3. Foto copy sertifikat kursus/pelatihan.
4. Pas foto terbaru.
Besar harapan saya untuk diberi kesempatan wawancara, dan dapat menjelaskan lebih mendalam mengenai diri saya. Seperti yang tersirat di resume (riwayat hidup), saya mempunyai latar belakang pendidikan, pengalaman potensi dan seorang pekerja keras.
Demikian saya sampaikan. Terima kasih atas perhatian Bapak.
Hormat saya,
(Nama Anda)
To:Human Resources Department
Bank DBS
Subject: Job Application for Customer Service Manager
Dear Sir,
I, (your name) in the interest of exploring employment opportunities with your organization, I have enclosed my curriculum vitae (C.V.), for your review and consideration.
My strong work ethics and attention to market detail would prove extremely valuable to your company that makes customer service its top priority. I am self-motivated, energetic, communicate well in English or Indonesian.
I am confident that my skills and experience could make great contributions to your organization. Therefore, I would appreciate the opportunity to discuss my qualifications for this position in detail with you in person at a suitable time.
Please let me know as soon as possible when we may meet to discuss mutual interests. Thank you for your time, and I am looking forward to your call and response to me.
Sincerely yours,
Bank DBS
Subject: Job Application for Customer Service Manager
Dear Sir,
I, (your name) in the interest of exploring employment opportunities with your organization, I have enclosed my curriculum vitae (C.V.), for your review and consideration.
My strong work ethics and attention to market detail would prove extremely valuable to your company that makes customer service its top priority. I am self-motivated, energetic, communicate well in English or Indonesian.
I am confident that my skills and experience could make great contributions to your organization. Therefore, I would appreciate the opportunity to discuss my qualifications for this position in detail with you in person at a suitable time.
Please let me know as soon as possible when we may meet to discuss mutual interests. Thank you for your time, and I am looking forward to your call and response to me.
Sincerely yours,
Kepada: Yth. ....
Ketua/Sekretaris Jur....
Fakultas ....
Yang bertanda tangan dibawah ini :
Nama :........
NIM :.........
Alamat :...........
Telp/HP :............
IPK :......./ Total SKS:...
Sisa SKS :..............
Konsentrasi :..........
Mengajukan permohonan bimbingan skripsi pada semester : ..... Ganjil/Genap Tahun Akademik 2012/2012
Dosen Pembimbing : .............
Sebagai bahan pertimbangan, kami lampirkan draft profosal skripsi, dengan Judul :
Demikian permohonan ini kami buat untuk mendapatkan tandatangan dosen pembimbing skripsi.
Hormat kami,
PT Britmindo is an established professional Mining company providing services that include Mine Development, Mine Management, Operational Improvements, Technical Studies and Consultancy to the leading Indonesian mining companies, international banks, local and foreign investors. We are committed to developing skills and providing opportunities for all our employees to ensure that we remain a leading and respected mining company. Due to our continued growth and the demand for our services we require the following personnel:
Junior Accounting
Junior Accounting
- Coordinate with the external accountants
- Communicate openly and honestly at all times
- Input daily actual data for invoices and the transactions at accounting system
- Input Data and Controlling Invoices
- To receive and distribute invoice for processing and make a transmittal advice
- Filling invoices and manage administration properly
- Male/Female
- Candidate should holds a Bachelor degree in accounting
- Fresh graduated from reputable university with minimum GPA 3.00 with scale 4.00
- Familiar with administration or filling system knowledge
- Preferably having Tax Brevet A & B certificate
- Excellent communication in English both spoken and written
- Excellent in Computer Skill (especially using MS excel)
HRD PT Britmindo
(Please put the position title in the email subject)
(Please put the position title in the email subject)
Human Resources Manager
PT Mandiri Dipta Cipta
at .....
Dear Sir/ Madam,
I am writing in regard to your advertisement that concerning your need for a Tenant Relations Manager. Nevertheless, I need to improve my professional ability and challenge myself to my maximum capability. I am sure that I can find it as I work in your professional team.
I am a young energetic man. I am an easy-going and teachable person. I like to work hard and improve my concerned knowledge's. I am sure that my energy and enthusiasm will provide many benefits for your company.
You will find enclosed with this letter a copy of my resume which provides a much more detailed description of my education and employment history. I would welcome any opportunity to talk with you for further discussion. I would be available at anytime at your comfortable time for an interview.
PT Mandiri Dipta Cipta
at .....
Dear Sir/ Madam,
I am writing in regard to your advertisement that concerning your need for a Tenant Relations Manager. Nevertheless, I need to improve my professional ability and challenge myself to my maximum capability. I am sure that I can find it as I work in your professional team.
I am a young energetic man. I am an easy-going and teachable person. I like to work hard and improve my concerned knowledge's. I am sure that my energy and enthusiasm will provide many benefits for your company.
You will find enclosed with this letter a copy of my resume which provides a much more detailed description of my education and employment history. I would welcome any opportunity to talk with you for further discussion. I would be available at anytime at your comfortable time for an interview.
Name :
Address :
Telephone :
Date of Birth :
Place of Birth :
Height :
Weight :
Physical Condition : Excellent
Marital Status :
Sex :
Education Background:
Attended the ... Department, University of .... from 2000 - ...
Senior High School from 2000-2003 at SMUN .. Jakarta
Junior High School from 1997-2000 at SLTPN .. Jakarta
Elementary School from 1991-1997 at SDN .. Jakarta
Extracurricular activities in School:
Business Experience:
Worked as a ... PT... in Jakarta during .. months
Human Resources Department
Dear Personnel Manager,
I would like to apply for Personal Banking Officer which suitable with my educational background and working experience in your company.
I graduated from ................ University in 20xx with GPA 3.xx. I had work experiences as Personal Banking Officer in PT. Mandiri Tbk.
I believe my education, personal characteristics, and work experience will help me to contribute your company's success. My education has enabled me to become more balanced person. It has allowed me to logically analyze, unbiased perspectives. I feel this is an important asset that could have tremendous value for company.
Secondly, my previous work experience have equipped me with a sound team work approach, which is very important in a global and competitive business environment. Finally, I am able to quickly adapt to new environments and adjust well. Life experience it self has taught me to learn be patient, quickly, and not to give up easily when facing difficulties. Thus I believe I will easily blend with the culture at your company.
I am aware of your excellent reputation and would be honored to join with your team to continue helping your company. Please give me a chance to talk with you to prove my sincere interest and passion for your company. Please call me or email me if you have any further question. Thank you for your kind attention to this matter. I hope hear from you soon.
Human Resources Department
Dear Personnel Manager,
I would like to apply for Personal Banking Officer which suitable with my educational background and working experience in your company.
I graduated from ................ University in 20xx with GPA 3.xx. I had work experiences as Personal Banking Officer in PT. Mandiri Tbk.
I believe my education, personal characteristics, and work experience will help me to contribute your company's success. My education has enabled me to become more balanced person. It has allowed me to logically analyze, unbiased perspectives. I feel this is an important asset that could have tremendous value for company.
Secondly, my previous work experience have equipped me with a sound team work approach, which is very important in a global and competitive business environment. Finally, I am able to quickly adapt to new environments and adjust well. Life experience it self has taught me to learn be patient, quickly, and not to give up easily when facing difficulties. Thus I believe I will easily blend with the culture at your company.
I am aware of your excellent reputation and would be honored to join with your team to continue helping your company. Please give me a chance to talk with you to prove my sincere interest and passion for your company. Please call me or email me if you have any further question. Thank you for your kind attention to this matter. I hope hear from you soon.
Attn:Personnel Manager
PT. Indoprima Mikroselindo
Dear Sir/ Madam,
Following to the information I have got on Month, 20xx, that your company look for new candidate to join your excellent team work. I would like to explore the possibility of joining as Customer Care Officer (CCO) within your company.
My name is ............., ... years of age, single, and have a safe and sound of health. I have graduated from .......... University of S1 degree majoring in ......... by GPA 3.xx. I have a deepen knowledge of computer literature, especially on Ms. Office and able to communicate in English, both of oral and passive.
I am honest, friendly, responsible person, and have an enough experience of managing peoples in my recent company PT. ................. Interacting with other people is my daily activity, so I wish it would be useful for obtaining that position.
I have enclosed my recent photograph and my curriculum vitae with personal data for your inspection. I would be pleased to present myself to you for an interview at any time in the future. If you would to employ me, I do my best to offer your reliable service at all time.
Sincerely Yours,
PT. Indoprima Mikroselindo
Dear Sir/ Madam,
Following to the information I have got on Month, 20xx, that your company look for new candidate to join your excellent team work. I would like to explore the possibility of joining as Customer Care Officer (CCO) within your company.
My name is ............., ... years of age, single, and have a safe and sound of health. I have graduated from .......... University of S1 degree majoring in ......... by GPA 3.xx. I have a deepen knowledge of computer literature, especially on Ms. Office and able to communicate in English, both of oral and passive.
I am honest, friendly, responsible person, and have an enough experience of managing peoples in my recent company PT. ................. Interacting with other people is my daily activity, so I wish it would be useful for obtaining that position.
I have enclosed my recent photograph and my curriculum vitae with personal data for your inspection. I would be pleased to present myself to you for an interview at any time in the future. If you would to employ me, I do my best to offer your reliable service at all time.
Sincerely Yours,
PT Tirta Investama (Danone Aqua), Danone is the world’s fastest moving consumer goods company, today focus in Dairy, Beverages, Baby Nutrition, Medical Nutrition which its mission to bring health through food to the largest number of people .AQUA, as part of DANONE Group, is a leading Beverage Company in Indonesia and no.1 water producer in the world, invites high competent Professionals people to join our company as:
Management Trainee – Danone AQUA
Management Trainee – Danone AQUA
- Female/Male
- Age should be not more than 27 years old
- Applicants should be holding at least a Bachelor Degree (S1) or Master Degree (S2) / Post Graduate Degree in any field
- Fresh graduates / entry level candidates are welcome to apply
- Having min. GPA 3.00 (out of 4.00 scale)
- Fluent in verbal and written English
- Actively involve in organization
- Having good communication and interpersonal skill
Should you interested and meet the above qualifications, please send your complete resume to:
HRD PT Tirta Investama (Danone AQUA)
HRD PT Tirta Investama (Danone AQUA)
(your address)
Jakarta, Indonesia
......, 2012
Jakarta, Indonesia
......, 2012
Dear Sirs.
I have read your advertisement in .... Newspaper and anxious to apply for ...
I was graduated form the ... Department, University of ... Jakarta, in 2012. My major studies were ... subjects and my minor studies were ...
On the enclosed data sheet you will find additional information about my general qualification.
After you have analyzed my qualification in terms of your needs, I should like very much to secure an interview for the position that you have offered.
I am looking forward to hear from you, and your consideration upon my application will be very much appreciated.
Thank you very much for your special attention.
Sincerely yours,
(your name)
Personnel Department
Dear Sir/Madam,
I am seeing your fast growing organization and I heard that your company has a good reputation, so I encourage my self to submit this application letter to show great interest in working at your company. I would like to join with your company as
Support Engineer.
My name is ................, I am ... years of age and I graduated from Technique Faculty, ............. University, Jakarta, Majoring in ......... Engineering (GPA: 3.xx in scale 4.00).
I have an excellent health, high motivation, good communication skill, computer skill, creative, high loyalty, integrity, I am ready to work hard, and highly motivated to works every where. I sincerely believe that my knowledge, abilities, and independent attitude would be valuable asset to your organization. Moreover, I am confidence that my guidance and the availability of in-house trainings, I would learn and adapt to meet your needs within a short period.
The enclosed resume will provide you with more details of my background and hopefully, you could consider my application and I am looking forward to hearing from you.
Yours faithfully,
Personnel Department
Dear Sir/Madam,
I am seeing your fast growing organization and I heard that your company has a good reputation, so I encourage my self to submit this application letter to show great interest in working at your company. I would like to join with your company as
Support Engineer.
My name is ................, I am ... years of age and I graduated from Technique Faculty, ............. University, Jakarta, Majoring in ......... Engineering (GPA: 3.xx in scale 4.00).
I have an excellent health, high motivation, good communication skill, computer skill, creative, high loyalty, integrity, I am ready to work hard, and highly motivated to works every where. I sincerely believe that my knowledge, abilities, and independent attitude would be valuable asset to your organization. Moreover, I am confidence that my guidance and the availability of in-house trainings, I would learn and adapt to meet your needs within a short period.
The enclosed resume will provide you with more details of my background and hopefully, you could consider my application and I am looking forward to hearing from you.
Yours faithfully,
PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia, Tbk (Bank BRI) - As a state-owned bank, BRI played a key role in realizing the government’s vision in the development of people’s economy. BRI offers services to customers through a network that are spread all over Indonesia and supported by professional human resources who implement the Good Corporate Governance practices. BRI creates values and produce optimal benefits to all stakeholders. We are currently seeking:
Associate Account Officer (Code:AAO)
Send your comprehensive resume, CV, recent photograph and other supporting documents to:
HRD PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia, Tbk (Bank BRI)
PO BOX 023 CPA KSBJ 15224A
Associate Account Officer (Code:AAO)
- Male/Female
- Candidates should be holding at least Bachelor Degree from reputable state owned university (PTN) or accredited private owned university (PTS)
- Age maximum 25 years old (for fresh graduate) or maximum 30 years (for candidate with experience in Account Officer/Marketing) as on 01 December 2012
- Attractive appearance and having a vast network
- Having dynamic personalities, and having high w0rking motivation
- Having excellent communication and interpersonal skills
- Willing to be placed at Kanwil BRI Jakarta 2 business unit (Jakarta Selatan, Depok, Bogor, Cibinong, Bekasi, Karawang, Cikampek)
- Ability in driving vehicle and having SIM A and /or SIM C Driving license
Send your comprehensive resume, CV, recent photograph and other supporting documents to:
HRD PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia, Tbk (Bank BRI)
PO BOX 023 CPA KSBJ 15224A
Kepada Yth :
Manajer HRD
Dear Sir,
Regarding to the Information at .... on (Month 20xx), about job Vacancy that your company seeking for new employed for position as Mechanical Engineering , and I would like to apply for that job.
I am ... year old was graduated from Diploma III Technology Industry, University Of ........... on 20xxx with GPA 2.xx. I have been Working at PT. ........... as Mechanical Engineering and I have working contract at PT. .......... as Mechanical Engineering. I am assertive and hard worker, even I don't have many experience in this field, but I have ability to learn fast, I have English literate both oral and writing and computer literate.
As for personal data, would refer you are the copies of my Diploma Certificate with Transcript record, Certificate of coursers, and my photo Graph. I am enclosing a resume for your review.
I would be glad to make my self available for an interview where we can discuss how could serve your company. I look forward to your reply.
Respectfully Yours,
Manajer HRD
Dear Sir,
Regarding to the Information at .... on (Month 20xx), about job Vacancy that your company seeking for new employed for position as Mechanical Engineering , and I would like to apply for that job.
I am ... year old was graduated from Diploma III Technology Industry, University Of ........... on 20xxx with GPA 2.xx. I have been Working at PT. ........... as Mechanical Engineering and I have working contract at PT. .......... as Mechanical Engineering. I am assertive and hard worker, even I don't have many experience in this field, but I have ability to learn fast, I have English literate both oral and writing and computer literate.
As for personal data, would refer you are the copies of my Diploma Certificate with Transcript record, Certificate of coursers, and my photo Graph. I am enclosing a resume for your review.
I would be glad to make my self available for an interview where we can discuss how could serve your company. I look forward to your reply.
Respectfully Yours,
PT Unilever Indonesia TBK. The Group's principal activities are manufacturing and distributing consumer goods including soaps, detergents, margarine, sauces, snacks, dairy based foods, ice cream, tea based beverages, cosmetic products and fruit juice.
Its brands include Pepsodent, Pond's, Lifebouy, Sunsilk, Clear, Vaseline, Rinso, Surf, Blue Band, Royco, Dove, Lux, Sunlight, Taro, Bango, Molto, Rexona, Lipton tea, Paddle Pop and Wall's. The Group's factories are located in Cikarang and Surabaya.
Assistant Manager - Trade Category Management (Job Number: 120001OG)
Unposting Date : Jan-04-2013, 11:59:59 AM
Schedule : Full-time
Primary Location : Indonesia-Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta-Jakarta-Wisma Aldiron Dirgantara
Shift : Day Job
Job : Customer Development
Travel : No
Job Description:
To assist Trade Category Manager in Developing and implementing customer/channel specific category plans and drivers (Including assortment, shelf-layout, promotion and price) based on category and shopper insights to grow market share within responsible category. Also support by conducting category review to ensure category performance and category understanding.
- Experience min 2 years in FMCG as Asst. Trade Category/ Category Management/ Trade Marketing
- Min 1 to 2 years customer facing, Key Account Management, field sales experience
- Max 30 years old
- Fluent in English
- Min Bachelor degree
If you’re a recent graduate, Unilever is a great place to begin your career. We offer exceptional prospects and tailored development programmes.
If You're experienced professionals and ready for a new challenge. At Unilever, you have the chance to make a genuine impact on the business.
You can apply online at: Lowongan Unilever. Select Location -> Indonesia
At Unilever we recognize our responsibility to protect the information you provide to us. Unilever is a multinational consumer goods company which offers a range of products that include; foods, beverages, cleaning agents and personal care products. As privacy and personal data protection laws vary from one country to another we ask that you read the privacy statement issued by the country in which you are applying as well as the country in which you reside, to ascertain the data protection laws that apply to information or data maintained by that local site.
Its brands include Pepsodent, Pond's, Lifebouy, Sunsilk, Clear, Vaseline, Rinso, Surf, Blue Band, Royco, Dove, Lux, Sunlight, Taro, Bango, Molto, Rexona, Lipton tea, Paddle Pop and Wall's. The Group's factories are located in Cikarang and Surabaya.
Assistant Manager - Trade Category Management (Job Number: 120001OG)
Unposting Date : Jan-04-2013, 11:59:59 AM
Schedule : Full-time
Primary Location : Indonesia-Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta-Jakarta-Wisma Aldiron Dirgantara
Shift : Day Job
Job : Customer Development
Travel : No
Job Description:
To assist Trade Category Manager in Developing and implementing customer/channel specific category plans and drivers (Including assortment, shelf-layout, promotion and price) based on category and shopper insights to grow market share within responsible category. Also support by conducting category review to ensure category performance and category understanding.
- Experience min 2 years in FMCG as Asst. Trade Category/ Category Management/ Trade Marketing
- Min 1 to 2 years customer facing, Key Account Management, field sales experience
- Max 30 years old
- Fluent in English
- Min Bachelor degree
If you’re a recent graduate, Unilever is a great place to begin your career. We offer exceptional prospects and tailored development programmes.
If You're experienced professionals and ready for a new challenge. At Unilever, you have the chance to make a genuine impact on the business.
You can apply online at: Lowongan Unilever. Select Location -> Indonesia
At Unilever we recognize our responsibility to protect the information you provide to us. Unilever is a multinational consumer goods company which offers a range of products that include; foods, beverages, cleaning agents and personal care products. As privacy and personal data protection laws vary from one country to another we ask that you read the privacy statement issued by the country in which you are applying as well as the country in which you reside, to ascertain the data protection laws that apply to information or data maintained by that local site.
PT. Thiess Contractors Indonesia – Thiess is a multinational company with over 6000 employees in Indonesia. Our business provides integrated services in mining, civil construction, process engineering, and telecommunication throughout Indonesia. We are currently seeking :
Engineer Plant
Job No.: 855560
Department: Plant Department
Work type: Permanent (Indonesia only)
Reporting to Plant Support Superintendent, you will be responsible for monitor, analysis, and report the machine performance through JDE, InfoMINE, pareto analysis, condition monitoring tools, machine data download, and failure history. Responsible and accountable for engineering support on plant maintenance and planning related issues. This includes carrying out a data download program from the machine in regular basis; becoming the Plant Engineering support e.g. CIP, Product Update, Site Modification, Trial stage, etc; and, be a relief while Plant Planner away or on leave.
This position requires Mechanical Engineering degree with 3 years experiences in Planning, Reliability Engineer or similar role at the mining industry. Preferred a good talented person in data analysis; having good ability, analytical & problem solving process; dynamic and forward thinking in order to identify machine condition to prevent failures; understanding technique used for continous improvement program; and has experience with machine download will be preferred as well. The candidate should good communication skill, interaction internal/external parties, fluent in English both oral as well written and computer literacy.
Competitive salary and benefits will be offered to the right candidate.
If you want to take your career to a new level and be involved in exciting workplace change and issues, please apply online through our website at
“Only qualified candidates who apply on-line will be proceed”
Engineer Plant
Job No.: 855560
Department: Plant Department
Work type: Permanent (Indonesia only)
Reporting to Plant Support Superintendent, you will be responsible for monitor, analysis, and report the machine performance through JDE, InfoMINE, pareto analysis, condition monitoring tools, machine data download, and failure history. Responsible and accountable for engineering support on plant maintenance and planning related issues. This includes carrying out a data download program from the machine in regular basis; becoming the Plant Engineering support e.g. CIP, Product Update, Site Modification, Trial stage, etc; and, be a relief while Plant Planner away or on leave.
This position requires Mechanical Engineering degree with 3 years experiences in Planning, Reliability Engineer or similar role at the mining industry. Preferred a good talented person in data analysis; having good ability, analytical & problem solving process; dynamic and forward thinking in order to identify machine condition to prevent failures; understanding technique used for continous improvement program; and has experience with machine download will be preferred as well. The candidate should good communication skill, interaction internal/external parties, fluent in English both oral as well written and computer literacy.
Competitive salary and benefits will be offered to the right candidate.
If you want to take your career to a new level and be involved in exciting workplace change and issues, please apply online through our website at
“Only qualified candidates who apply on-line will be proceed”
TOTAL E&P INDONESIE is a 100% Indonesian Subsidiary of the Paris based TOTAL Group, having its Head Office in Jakarta and operational sites in East Kalimantan. It was incorporated in Jakarta on 14 August 1968. Since then, it has been working partnership with the Indonesian Government, as a Production Sharing Contractor in the search for, and development of, Indonesia's vast hydrocarbon reserves.
TOTAL E&P INDONESIE oriented its efforts on the hydrocarbon potential of the Mahakam towards natural gas as the key to its nature in East Kalimantan. Exploration and appraisal works let to discoveries of considerable reserves of gas in the Peciko, Tambora, Tunu, Sisi, and Nubi fields making the company to become the largest gas producer in Indonesia, supplying 80% of feed gas to Bontang plant (the largest producing LNG plant in the world).
TOTAL E&P INDONESIE is a 100% Indonesian Subsidiary of the Paris based TOTAL Group, having its Head Office in Jakarta and operational sites in East Kalimantan. Due to the high-level development activities to meet the increasing hydrocarbon production commitment, TOTAL E&P INDONESIE invites highly qualified graduates to apply for the following positions:
Job Location : Kalimantan Timur - Jakarta - Balikpapan
TOTAL E&P INDONESIE oriented its efforts on the hydrocarbon potential of the Mahakam towards natural gas as the key to its nature in East Kalimantan. Exploration and appraisal works let to discoveries of considerable reserves of gas in the Peciko, Tambora, Tunu, Sisi, and Nubi fields making the company to become the largest gas producer in Indonesia, supplying 80% of feed gas to Bontang plant (the largest producing LNG plant in the world).
TOTAL E&P INDONESIE is a 100% Indonesian Subsidiary of the Paris based TOTAL Group, having its Head Office in Jakarta and operational sites in East Kalimantan. Due to the high-level development activities to meet the increasing hydrocarbon production commitment, TOTAL E&P INDONESIE invites highly qualified graduates to apply for the following positions:
Job Location : Kalimantan Timur - Jakarta - Balikpapan
- Holding Bachelor / Master Degree in Accounting, Finance Management, Economics / Economic Development Studies from reputable universities;
- GPA Minimum 3.00;
- Not over 24 years old;
- Willing to be placed in Balikpapan;
Attention to:
HRD Manager
The Ritz-Carlton Jakarta
Jl. Lingkar Mega Kuningan
Dear Sir/Madam,
I wrote this application letter in order to explore the possibility of working in your company. I would like to apply as Room Boy in your Hotel. I would greatly appreciate an opportunity to convince you that my services would be an asset to your Hotel. I assure you that a high level of efficiency would be applied to any assignment given to me.
I am a ... years old, male, and I graduated AKPAR .......... majoring of Room Division. I am familiar Housekeeping Department. I am an active person, responsible, high motivation, and willing to work overtime, I have good interpersonal skills and in general, I am quick learner with ability in adapting with new environment.
For your consideration, here with I enclose my Curriculum Vitae. If you would like to discuss my resume, I am available for interview at anytime convenience to you.
Thank you very much for your attention and I hope my application will receive your favorable consideration.
Sincerely yours,
HRD Manager
The Ritz-Carlton Jakarta
Jl. Lingkar Mega Kuningan
Dear Sir/Madam,
I wrote this application letter in order to explore the possibility of working in your company. I would like to apply as Room Boy in your Hotel. I would greatly appreciate an opportunity to convince you that my services would be an asset to your Hotel. I assure you that a high level of efficiency would be applied to any assignment given to me.
I am a ... years old, male, and I graduated AKPAR .......... majoring of Room Division. I am familiar Housekeeping Department. I am an active person, responsible, high motivation, and willing to work overtime, I have good interpersonal skills and in general, I am quick learner with ability in adapting with new environment.
For your consideration, here with I enclose my Curriculum Vitae. If you would like to discuss my resume, I am available for interview at anytime convenience to you.
Thank you very much for your attention and I hope my application will receive your favorable consideration.
Sincerely yours,
Royal Dutch Shell plc was established more than a hundred years ago in Indonesia. Today Shell is a global company operating in over 100 countries and regions throughout the world, and employing more than 102,000 people. Shell Indonesia has been established as one of the fastest growing lubricants, retail fuels and bitumen business in the country and has strong commitment to strengthen their presence significantly.
Shell Indonesia has received the Indonesia's Most Admired Companies (IMAC) Award 2007 and 2008 for Oil & Gas category for its best Corporate Image, by Business Week Magazine and Frontier Consulting Group.
Operating in Downstream Oil Products, Shell Indonesia serves the business and motorist market segments. Shell Indonesia manages the business operations that include marketing and trading lubricants directly as well as through its appointed distributors. The Route To Market Manager is responsible to develop new Route To Market (RTM) models that are consistent with Global Marketing strategies, including transferring best practices to the Country.
Please note that our offices will be closed during the festive period, from Monday, 24th December until Wednesday, 26th December 2012. As a result there may be a delay in responding to candidates during this period. Our recruitment round will close on 31 December 2012.
Job ID Position Title
A33080. - Terminal Operation Supervisor
A33044. - Contract & Negotiation Team Lead
A33038. - Marketing Manager,Commercial Fuels
A32839. - Terminal Tank & Meter Reconciler
A32545. - Country Marketing Manager - Retail
A32478. - Financial Controls Lead
A31978. - Finance Advisor Lubricants
A31977. - Procurement Manager - Project Monas
A31490. - Grease Business Development Manager Indonesia
A29764. - HSSE Advisor
A29611. - Senior Business Development Executive
A28418. - Excavator Technician
Please note: We occasionally amend or withdraw Shell jobs and reserve the right to do so at any time, including prior to the advertised closing date.
Before applying, you are advised to read our data protection policy. This policy describes the processing that may be associated with your personal data and informs you that your personal data may be transferred to Royal Dutch/Shell Group companies around the world.
The Shell Group and its approved recruitment consultants will never ask you for a fee to process or consider your application for a career with Shell. Anyone who demands such a fee is not an authorised Shell representative and you are strongly advised to refuse any such demand.
Shell is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
For more information and to apply online, please visit Lowongan Shell -> Region : Asia, Country : Indonesia
Shell Indonesia has received the Indonesia's Most Admired Companies (IMAC) Award 2007 and 2008 for Oil & Gas category for its best Corporate Image, by Business Week Magazine and Frontier Consulting Group.
Operating in Downstream Oil Products, Shell Indonesia serves the business and motorist market segments. Shell Indonesia manages the business operations that include marketing and trading lubricants directly as well as through its appointed distributors. The Route To Market Manager is responsible to develop new Route To Market (RTM) models that are consistent with Global Marketing strategies, including transferring best practices to the Country.
Please note that our offices will be closed during the festive period, from Monday, 24th December until Wednesday, 26th December 2012. As a result there may be a delay in responding to candidates during this period. Our recruitment round will close on 31 December 2012.
Job ID Position Title
A33080. - Terminal Operation Supervisor
A33044. - Contract & Negotiation Team Lead
A33038. - Marketing Manager,Commercial Fuels
A32839. - Terminal Tank & Meter Reconciler
A32545. - Country Marketing Manager - Retail
A32478. - Financial Controls Lead
A31978. - Finance Advisor Lubricants
A31977. - Procurement Manager - Project Monas
A31490. - Grease Business Development Manager Indonesia
A29764. - HSSE Advisor
A29611. - Senior Business Development Executive
A28418. - Excavator Technician
Please note: We occasionally amend or withdraw Shell jobs and reserve the right to do so at any time, including prior to the advertised closing date.
Before applying, you are advised to read our data protection policy. This policy describes the processing that may be associated with your personal data and informs you that your personal data may be transferred to Royal Dutch/Shell Group companies around the world.
The Shell Group and its approved recruitment consultants will never ask you for a fee to process or consider your application for a career with Shell. Anyone who demands such a fee is not an authorised Shell representative and you are strongly advised to refuse any such demand.
Shell is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
For more information and to apply online, please visit Lowongan Shell -> Region : Asia, Country : Indonesia
Human Resources Department
Sari Pan Pacific
Dear Sir,
I am applying position as Room Attendant in this company. the position seems to fit very well with my education, experience, and career interest.
I have do my job as a Room Attendant in Hotel ......... I am confident that I can perform the job effectively. furthermore. I am genuinely interested in this position and working in this company.
I am ............., ... years old, graduated from Tourism Academy of ........... Jakarta major in hotel department. I speak and write English fluently. I have a multicultural background which i fell would enable me to deal efficiently with the guest and all employees. I am willing to have more experiences and I want to learn many things. I can work under pressure and negotiate well.
I would appreciate the opportunity to discuss this with you further, and look forward to hearing from you soon.
Your sincerely,
Sari Pan Pacific
Dear Sir,
I am applying position as Room Attendant in this company. the position seems to fit very well with my education, experience, and career interest.
I have do my job as a Room Attendant in Hotel ......... I am confident that I can perform the job effectively. furthermore. I am genuinely interested in this position and working in this company.
I am ............., ... years old, graduated from Tourism Academy of ........... Jakarta major in hotel department. I speak and write English fluently. I have a multicultural background which i fell would enable me to deal efficiently with the guest and all employees. I am willing to have more experiences and I want to learn many things. I can work under pressure and negotiate well.
I would appreciate the opportunity to discuss this with you further, and look forward to hearing from you soon.
Your sincerely,
Mencari pekerjaan merupakan hal susah-susah gampang. Sebagian orang membutuhkan waktu yang lama untuk memperolehnya, namun sebagian lagi tidak membutuhkan waktu lama, bahkan ada yang dengan mudah berpindah-pindah dari satu perusahaan ke perusahaan yang lain. Kadang Anda pasti merasa bosan dalam masa pencarian pekerjaan tersebut. 1-2 bulan mungkin belum begitu menggangu, 3-4 bulan mungkin Anda masih bisa bersabar, namun 5-7 bulan anda masih belum juga mendapat pekerjaan atau panggilan tes sekalipun, Anda harus segera merubah total strategi Anda dalam mencari pekerjaan. Untuk itu, berikut ini Tips agar Anda cepat mendapatkan pekerjaan:
1. Cari Informasi Sebanyak Mungkin Mengenai Bidang Pekerjaan Yang Menarik Bagi Anda
Hal pertama yang harus Anda lakukan adalah berburu informasi lowongan pekerjaan. Karena informasi lowongan pekerjaan tidak akan datang pada Anda dengan sendirinya. Gunakan semua sumberdaya media yang ada misalnya : 1) Surat Kabar. Surat kabar merupakan media terpopuler dalam hal menyediakan informasi pekerjaan. Supaya Anda tidak ketinggalan, cobalah untuk berlangganan Surat Kabar atau untuk lebih menghemat berlanggananlah surat kabar khusus untuk hari sabtu dan minggu, yang mana lebih banyak memuat iklan lowongan kerja dibanding hari-hari yang lain, 2) Internet. Anda dapat melakukan browsing di internet, bergabung dengan situs-situs pencari kerja seperi atau, maupun melengkapinya dengan menjual diri melalui pembuatan blog pribadi Anda (sehingga memungkinkan Anda dapat dikenal pula oleh para penyedia lowongan kerja), 3) Kampus. Sering-seringlah Anda berkunjung ke Kampus Anda, karena tidak jarang perusahaan-perusahaan menempelkan publikasi penerimaan pegawai di sana.
2. Mencari Kesempatan Kerja Yang Sesuai Dengan Target
Ada begitu banyak informasi lowongan pekerjaan, pililah lowongan yang kira-kira sesuai dengan kemampuan dan kualifikasi Anda, agar kesempatan untuk dipanggil test menjadi lebih besar, pilihlah lowongan dengan kebutuhan karyawan tahap pemula (entry level) atau fresh graduate. Biasanya lowongan semacam ini menerima pelamar dengan pengalaman kerja yang minim atau bahkan belum berpengalaman.
3. Manfaatkan Kesempatan Bertemu Muka Dengan Orang-Orang Yang Sedang Mencari Karyawan
Gunakan kesempatan yang datang kepada Anda. Apabila mendengar lowongan yang sedang dibuka pada perusahaan temapt seorang teman bekerja, jangan ragu meminta bantuannya untuk dipertemukan dengan pihak perusahaan tersebut. Hal ini akan membukan jaringan kerja Anda. Selain itu usahakan dapat bertemu muka dengan orang-orang yang bekerja pada bidang yang Anda inginkan tersebut. Siapa tahu pada tahap selanjutnya, Anda harus diwawancara oleh mereka tentang bidang pekerjaan spesifik.
4. Temui Alumni Yang Bekerja Pada Bidang Yang Anda Inginkan
Ada begitu banyak informasi mengenai lowongan pekerjaan maupun tentang bagaimana pekerjaan yang akan geluti nantinyadari para kakak kelas Anda saat kuliah. Siapa tahu ada seseorang yang telah mendapatkan pekerjaan yang selama ini Anda inginkan. Karena itu jangan ragu untuk datang dan bergabung dengan acara para alumni .
5. Gunakan Koneksi Keluarga
Kalau Anda biasanya malas datang ke acara-acara keluarga kini rajin-rajinlah datang. Siapa tahu, di perusahaan tempat sepupu atau saudara yang lain bekerja, ada lowongan yang sedang dibuka namun tidak diumumkan secara terbuka kepada publik.
6. Gunakan Relasi Komunitas
Kalau Anda memiliki hobi dalam hal tertentu, ada baiknya Anda justru semakin aktif dalam komunitas tersebut, jangan malah menutup diri. Misalnya, komunitas sepeda, komunitas fotografi, komunitas futsal dsb. Karena dalam komunitas tersebut, Anda akan bertemu dengan banyak orang dari berbagai ragam latar belakang pekerjaan. Di sana Anda bisa menciptakan jaringan kerja, jaringan bisnis dan memperoleh informasi yang mungkin tidak dipublikasi secara terbuka oleh perusahaan mereka. Ingat pernyataan jargon bahwa, “Banyak permasalahan bisnis diselesaikan di lapangan golf”
7. Pelajari Persiapan Berburu Pekerjaan
Anda perlu mempelajari segala hal yang terkait dengan mencari pekerjaan, mulai dari membuat surat Lamaran yang baik, Resume yang profesional, Materi Ujian Penerimaan Pegawai, Busana Wawancara, Tata Cara Wawancara Kerja dsb, mengingat hal ini tidak diajarkan sama sekali di bangku perkuliahan. Karena berdasarkan pengalaman, akan sangat rugi dan disesalkan, apabila Anda membuang kesempatan menjalani testing hanya karena ketidaksiapan dan kesalahan kecil Anda.
8. Evaluasi
Biasakan untuk selalu melakukan evaluasi setelah proses testing/wawancara Anda lakukan. Berpikirlah seakan-akan Anda belum waktunya diterima bekerja di perusahaan tempat Anda baru saja melakukan testing/wawancara kerja tersebut.Perdalam kembali hal-hal yang menurut Anda, Anda mengalami kesulitan, misalnya ketika psikotes atau keitka focus group discussion. Interospeksi diri, terus berlatih dan mencari referensi baik melalui buku, internet ataupun bertanya kepada teman. Sehingga secara kualitas, Anda dapat terus meningkat dan semakin siap untuk bersaing dari testing ke testing yang lain (learning by doing). Karena pengalaman adalah guru yang paling berguna.
1. Cari Informasi Sebanyak Mungkin Mengenai Bidang Pekerjaan Yang Menarik Bagi Anda
Hal pertama yang harus Anda lakukan adalah berburu informasi lowongan pekerjaan. Karena informasi lowongan pekerjaan tidak akan datang pada Anda dengan sendirinya. Gunakan semua sumberdaya media yang ada misalnya : 1) Surat Kabar. Surat kabar merupakan media terpopuler dalam hal menyediakan informasi pekerjaan. Supaya Anda tidak ketinggalan, cobalah untuk berlangganan Surat Kabar atau untuk lebih menghemat berlanggananlah surat kabar khusus untuk hari sabtu dan minggu, yang mana lebih banyak memuat iklan lowongan kerja dibanding hari-hari yang lain, 2) Internet. Anda dapat melakukan browsing di internet, bergabung dengan situs-situs pencari kerja seperi atau, maupun melengkapinya dengan menjual diri melalui pembuatan blog pribadi Anda (sehingga memungkinkan Anda dapat dikenal pula oleh para penyedia lowongan kerja), 3) Kampus. Sering-seringlah Anda berkunjung ke Kampus Anda, karena tidak jarang perusahaan-perusahaan menempelkan publikasi penerimaan pegawai di sana.
2. Mencari Kesempatan Kerja Yang Sesuai Dengan Target
Ada begitu banyak informasi lowongan pekerjaan, pililah lowongan yang kira-kira sesuai dengan kemampuan dan kualifikasi Anda, agar kesempatan untuk dipanggil test menjadi lebih besar, pilihlah lowongan dengan kebutuhan karyawan tahap pemula (entry level) atau fresh graduate. Biasanya lowongan semacam ini menerima pelamar dengan pengalaman kerja yang minim atau bahkan belum berpengalaman.
3. Manfaatkan Kesempatan Bertemu Muka Dengan Orang-Orang Yang Sedang Mencari Karyawan
Gunakan kesempatan yang datang kepada Anda. Apabila mendengar lowongan yang sedang dibuka pada perusahaan temapt seorang teman bekerja, jangan ragu meminta bantuannya untuk dipertemukan dengan pihak perusahaan tersebut. Hal ini akan membukan jaringan kerja Anda. Selain itu usahakan dapat bertemu muka dengan orang-orang yang bekerja pada bidang yang Anda inginkan tersebut. Siapa tahu pada tahap selanjutnya, Anda harus diwawancara oleh mereka tentang bidang pekerjaan spesifik.
4. Temui Alumni Yang Bekerja Pada Bidang Yang Anda Inginkan
Ada begitu banyak informasi mengenai lowongan pekerjaan maupun tentang bagaimana pekerjaan yang akan geluti nantinyadari para kakak kelas Anda saat kuliah. Siapa tahu ada seseorang yang telah mendapatkan pekerjaan yang selama ini Anda inginkan. Karena itu jangan ragu untuk datang dan bergabung dengan acara para alumni .
5. Gunakan Koneksi Keluarga
Kalau Anda biasanya malas datang ke acara-acara keluarga kini rajin-rajinlah datang. Siapa tahu, di perusahaan tempat sepupu atau saudara yang lain bekerja, ada lowongan yang sedang dibuka namun tidak diumumkan secara terbuka kepada publik.
6. Gunakan Relasi Komunitas
Kalau Anda memiliki hobi dalam hal tertentu, ada baiknya Anda justru semakin aktif dalam komunitas tersebut, jangan malah menutup diri. Misalnya, komunitas sepeda, komunitas fotografi, komunitas futsal dsb. Karena dalam komunitas tersebut, Anda akan bertemu dengan banyak orang dari berbagai ragam latar belakang pekerjaan. Di sana Anda bisa menciptakan jaringan kerja, jaringan bisnis dan memperoleh informasi yang mungkin tidak dipublikasi secara terbuka oleh perusahaan mereka. Ingat pernyataan jargon bahwa, “Banyak permasalahan bisnis diselesaikan di lapangan golf”
7. Pelajari Persiapan Berburu Pekerjaan
Anda perlu mempelajari segala hal yang terkait dengan mencari pekerjaan, mulai dari membuat surat Lamaran yang baik, Resume yang profesional, Materi Ujian Penerimaan Pegawai, Busana Wawancara, Tata Cara Wawancara Kerja dsb, mengingat hal ini tidak diajarkan sama sekali di bangku perkuliahan. Karena berdasarkan pengalaman, akan sangat rugi dan disesalkan, apabila Anda membuang kesempatan menjalani testing hanya karena ketidaksiapan dan kesalahan kecil Anda.
8. Evaluasi
Biasakan untuk selalu melakukan evaluasi setelah proses testing/wawancara Anda lakukan. Berpikirlah seakan-akan Anda belum waktunya diterima bekerja di perusahaan tempat Anda baru saja melakukan testing/wawancara kerja tersebut.Perdalam kembali hal-hal yang menurut Anda, Anda mengalami kesulitan, misalnya ketika psikotes atau keitka focus group discussion. Interospeksi diri, terus berlatih dan mencari referensi baik melalui buku, internet ataupun bertanya kepada teman. Sehingga secara kualitas, Anda dapat terus meningkat dan semakin siap untuk bersaing dari testing ke testing yang lain (learning by doing). Karena pengalaman adalah guru yang paling berguna.
To :
Human Resources Manager
Hotel JW Marriott Jakarta
JL. Lingkar Mega Kuningan Kav E 1.2 No 1&2 Jakarta 12950
I am writing to enquire if you have an Executive Secretary position of service Hospitality industry any available especially on your recruiter for service Industry. I am interested in joining your Hospitality and I will be most grateful to know whether you will consider my candidacy. I have ability to work in a team work environment and willingness to hard worker or even under pressure and I have fluent spoken and writing English.
I have completed Hotel and Tourism Academic graduating in 20xx, Hospitality from AKPAR ................ in majored Hotel Operation. I believe I can an asset to your company and I am not afraid of hard working, make time work, or accepting responsibility and attitude Professional worker and to support subordinates effectively. For your consideration, I enclose My curriculum vitae to give you detail of My qualification and experience.
Applying to work in your company appeals to me because it has good reputation as a Leading International associations and it provides good promotion opportunities. You can be contacted most easily at the mobile / telephone number or e-mail given above. I hope you will consider my application favorable and grant me an opportunity. I look forward to meeting any time your convenience.
Trusting to hear favorable reply from you.
Sincerely yours,
Human Resources Manager
Hotel JW Marriott Jakarta
JL. Lingkar Mega Kuningan Kav E 1.2 No 1&2 Jakarta 12950
I am writing to enquire if you have an Executive Secretary position of service Hospitality industry any available especially on your recruiter for service Industry. I am interested in joining your Hospitality and I will be most grateful to know whether you will consider my candidacy. I have ability to work in a team work environment and willingness to hard worker or even under pressure and I have fluent spoken and writing English.
I have completed Hotel and Tourism Academic graduating in 20xx, Hospitality from AKPAR ................ in majored Hotel Operation. I believe I can an asset to your company and I am not afraid of hard working, make time work, or accepting responsibility and attitude Professional worker and to support subordinates effectively. For your consideration, I enclose My curriculum vitae to give you detail of My qualification and experience.
Applying to work in your company appeals to me because it has good reputation as a Leading International associations and it provides good promotion opportunities. You can be contacted most easily at the mobile / telephone number or e-mail given above. I hope you will consider my application favorable and grant me an opportunity. I look forward to meeting any time your convenience.
Trusting to hear favorable reply from you.
Sincerely yours,
Human Resources Manager
PT Direct Vision
Jl. ...................
Dear Sir,
I have heard your announcement from my Internet, that you are looking for a suitable candidate to be hired for Sales Promotion Girl (SPG). I herewith apply for the position you offered.
I am a fresh graduate from ............. University, the faculty of ........, majoring in ............... I am ... years old and have valuable experiences that, I believe, will benefit your company. I am energetic, cooperative, hardworking, analytical, able to work either individually or in team.
I have experience as Sales Promotion Girl. I want to have a more job and gain more knowledge and experience; I hope that my experience and academic achievement will be an important consideration to you.
That's all about myself, if you have any question to get more detail please do not hesitate to contact me at my cell phone: 0812-xxxx-xxxx. I am willing to come to interview in anytime.
Enclosed please find my Curriculum Vitae and other necessary documents.
I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.
Yours Faithfully,
PT Direct Vision
Jl. ...................
Dear Sir,
I have heard your announcement from my Internet, that you are looking for a suitable candidate to be hired for Sales Promotion Girl (SPG). I herewith apply for the position you offered.
I am a fresh graduate from ............. University, the faculty of ........, majoring in ............... I am ... years old and have valuable experiences that, I believe, will benefit your company. I am energetic, cooperative, hardworking, analytical, able to work either individually or in team.
I have experience as Sales Promotion Girl. I want to have a more job and gain more knowledge and experience; I hope that my experience and academic achievement will be an important consideration to you.
That's all about myself, if you have any question to get more detail please do not hesitate to contact me at my cell phone: 0812-xxxx-xxxx. I am willing to come to interview in anytime.
Enclosed please find my Curriculum Vitae and other necessary documents.
I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.
Yours Faithfully,
Dear Sir/Madam,
This letter confirms my interest on joining your company as Engineering Supervisor. It was my deepest hope to work with team of professionals that will enable me to develop my potentials and knowledge in reaching company objectives.
I am ... years old and graduated from ............ University Jakarta, majoring in ......... Engineering and with GPA cumulative 2.xx of 4.00. I could operate computer, good command in English, willing to learn, hard worker, fast learner, good analysis, easy-going person, good looking and able to adapt easily in new situation.
For further detail, I enclose my CV, academic transcript, and my recent photograph. I can show you how helpful I am would be to your company if you just give me opportunity for further test or an interview. I am looking forward to waiting your response. Thank you very much.
Sincerely Yours,
Dear Sir/Madam,
This letter confirms my interest on joining your company as Engineering Supervisor. It was my deepest hope to work with team of professionals that will enable me to develop my potentials and knowledge in reaching company objectives.
I am ... years old and graduated from ............ University Jakarta, majoring in ......... Engineering and with GPA cumulative 2.xx of 4.00. I could operate computer, good command in English, willing to learn, hard worker, fast learner, good analysis, easy-going person, good looking and able to adapt easily in new situation.
For further detail, I enclose my CV, academic transcript, and my recent photograph. I can show you how helpful I am would be to your company if you just give me opportunity for further test or an interview. I am looking forward to waiting your response. Thank you very much.
Sincerely Yours,
PT Berau Coal was established in 1983 and is a first generation Coal Contractor. It produces coal in berau area of East Kalimantan within the conession awarded to the Company under the Cal Development Cooperation Contract system established by the Government of Indonesia.
PT. Berau Coal is a joint venture between PT. Armadian Tritunggal (51%) dan Rognar Holding B.V (39%), a Netherlands company and Sojitz Corp.more (10%) a Japanese company. PT. Berau Coal is one of Indonesia s largest thermal coal producers having its operation in Berau, East Kalimantan, is seeking professional and qualified candidates to join as Company's:
Mine Closure Specialist
Responsibilities :
Responsible for planning and implementation of mine closure strategies, through to implementation and ongoing monitoring of site rehabilitation program.
Requirements :
Geology Operation
Responsible to plan the exploration and development activities, including safety & health, and legal aspect (method, volume, budget, and operational scenario), and also execute exploration and development (data retrieval)
The appointee will be responsible to the Shipping Manager & PFSO for supervising the loading unloading coal activities from barges to mother vessel / OGV (Ocean Going Vessels) and coordinating the transportation to the coal transshipment point.
Requirements :
Coal Production & Hauling
Responsible to manage daily operational of coal processing activities; coal haulage, weight-bridge, ROM, crushing plant and stock-pile to barge loading and ensure implementation of QHSE system and procedures
Requirement :
· Bachelor degree in Mining / Civil / Mechanical / Geological Engineering.
· Minimum 2 years working experience in the similar position in coal mining industries
· Having good analytical skills for control and problem-solving
· POP certified
· Having strong leadership, good inter-personal and communication skills
· Placement at Berau
Mine Engineer
Responsible to supervise mining production activity to meet mining design, production target and create save & green operation
Requirements :
For applying those position; Please log on to this link Lowongan Berau Coal
* Only short-listed qualified candidates will be called for selection test.
* We offer competitive remuneration and attractive benefit package.
PT. Berau Coal is a joint venture between PT. Armadian Tritunggal (51%) dan Rognar Holding B.V (39%), a Netherlands company and Sojitz Corp.more (10%) a Japanese company. PT. Berau Coal is one of Indonesia s largest thermal coal producers having its operation in Berau, East Kalimantan, is seeking professional and qualified candidates to join as Company's:
Mine Closure Specialist
Responsibilities :
Responsible for planning and implementation of mine closure strategies, through to implementation and ongoing monitoring of site rehabilitation program.
Requirements :
- Bachelor degree in Environmental Science, Environmental, Forestry, Biology or scientific discipline.
- Minimum of 4 years of previous environmental consulting or industry experience
- Experienced candidates will have strong backgrounds in regulatory compliance (AMDAL, RPT, FS)
- Management background will include responsibility for client liaison, environmental strategic planning and overall management of site rehabilitation project.
- Placement at Berau (East Kalimantan)
Geology Operation
Responsible to plan the exploration and development activities, including safety & health, and legal aspect (method, volume, budget, and operational scenario), and also execute exploration and development (data retrieval)
- 28-32 Years Old
- Bachelor degree in Geological Engineering
- Have a good understanding about JORC
- Experienced at least 3 Years
- Experienced as an exploration team leader
- Have a good understanding about management of geological data
- Have a good understanding about geological resource model
- Placement at Berau
The appointee will be responsible to the Shipping Manager & PFSO for supervising the loading unloading coal activities from barges to mother vessel / OGV (Ocean Going Vessels) and coordinating the transportation to the coal transshipment point.
Requirements :
- Max 30 years old
- ANT III qualification
- Majoring Nautic
- Fluent in English
- Max 2 years working experience as officer in International liner, shipping agency or stevendoring company will be advantage.
- Will be relocate to Berau
Coal Production & Hauling
Responsible to manage daily operational of coal processing activities; coal haulage, weight-bridge, ROM, crushing plant and stock-pile to barge loading and ensure implementation of QHSE system and procedures
Requirement :
· Bachelor degree in Mining / Civil / Mechanical / Geological Engineering.
· Minimum 2 years working experience in the similar position in coal mining industries
· Having good analytical skills for control and problem-solving
· POP certified
· Having strong leadership, good inter-personal and communication skills
· Placement at Berau
Mine Engineer
Responsible to supervise mining production activity to meet mining design, production target and create save & green operation
Requirements :
- Bachelor degree in Mining Engineering
- Minimum 2 years experience at similar position
- Holding POP certified would be an advantage
- Have strong leadership, good inter-personal and communication skills.
- Placement at Berau
For applying those position; Please log on to this link Lowongan Berau Coal
* Only short-listed qualified candidates will be called for selection test.
* We offer competitive remuneration and attractive benefit package.
PT Mandiri Dipta Cipta
Dear Sir/ Madame,
As a graduate from ................ University Jakarta, I am very interested to fulfill any kind of positions in your company. I am holding Bachelor's Degree in Technical Architecture specialize in Drafting.
I able to operate kinds of computer programs such as Ms Office (advanced), Photoshop (advanced), CorelDraw (advanced), etc. Moreover, I work well with others, eager to learn, and take responsibilities to the best of my ability in your company.
The enclosed resume will provide you with more details of my backgrounds. I would be very happy to have the opportunity to meet you to discuss my backgrounds and qualifications. You can reach me by phone or address. Thank you in advance for your time and consideration.
Sincerely yours,
PT Mandiri Dipta Cipta
Dear Sir/ Madame,
As a graduate from ................ University Jakarta, I am very interested to fulfill any kind of positions in your company. I am holding Bachelor's Degree in Technical Architecture specialize in Drafting.
I able to operate kinds of computer programs such as Ms Office (advanced), Photoshop (advanced), CorelDraw (advanced), etc. Moreover, I work well with others, eager to learn, and take responsibilities to the best of my ability in your company.
The enclosed resume will provide you with more details of my backgrounds. I would be very happy to have the opportunity to meet you to discuss my backgrounds and qualifications. You can reach me by phone or address. Thank you in advance for your time and consideration.
Sincerely yours,
PT Smartfren Telecom, part of Sinar Mas group, has been established to provide the most innovative, advanced and high quality cellular sevice in Indonesia. Supported by CDMA2000 1x EVDO REV-A Technology, we provide high quality voice and high speed internet (mobile broadband) to our customers. Nowadays Smartfren Telecom has been operating in most cities in Java, Sumatera, Bali, Kalimantan and Sulawesi. We are currently seeking:
Tax Staff (Jakarta Raya)
Tax Staff (Jakarta Raya)
- Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor’s Degree in Finance/Accountancy/Banking or equivalent
- Having min.1-2 years experience in handling tax, preferably from consultant firm
- Preferably Senior Staffs specializing in Finance – Audit/Taxation or equivalent
- Able to work under pressure with very tight schedule
- Fresh graduated are welcome to apply
Please send your detailed resume and put “position title” as subject on your email to:
Sudah bukan rahasia lagi kalau interview atau wawancara pekerjaan merupakan hal paling kritikal untuk mendapatkan pekerjaan yang Anda inginkan. Karena itu, tentu Anda tahu bahwa Anda harus mempersiapkan diri Anda seprima mungkin, baik fisik dan mental. Ketok kali ini akan memberi Anda tips untuk menghadapi delapan belas pertanyaan yang paling umum dan tersulit dalam sebuah wawancara pekerjaan.
1. Beritahukan kami tentang diri Anda?
Biasanya ini merupakan pertanyaan pembuka, karena itu jangan menghabiskan terlalu banyak waktu untuk menjawabnya. Berikan jawaban yang menjawab empat subjek: tahun-tahun terakhir, pendidikan, sejarah kerja, dan pengalaman karir terakhir.
2. Apa yang Anda ketahui tentang kami?
Ketika pertanyaan ini dikeluarkan, anda diharapkan mampu mendiskusikan produk atau pelayanan, pendapatan, reputasi, pandangan masyarakat, trget, permasalahan, gaya managemen, orang-orang di dalamnya, sejarah, dan filosofi perusahaan. Berikan jawaban yang memberitahu pewawancara bahwa Anda meluangkan waktu mencari tahu tentang perusahaan tersebut, namun jangan beraksi seperti Anda tahu segalanya tentang perusahaan tersebut, tunjukan keinginan mempelajari lebih banyak tentang perusahaan tersebut, dan jangan memberikan jawaban negatif seperti "Saya tahu perusahaan anda mengalami problema-problema, itu alasan saya disini". Tekankan keunggulan perusahaan dan minat Anda terhadap hal tersebut.
3. Apa yang dapat Anda berikan pada kami (yang orang lain tidak bisa beri)?
Sebutkan prestasi-prestasi dan jenjang karir yang Anda telah capai. Sebutkan kemampuan dan hal-hal yang menarik perhatian Anda, gabungkan dengan sejarah Anda mencapai hal-hal itu. Sebutkan kemampuan Anda menentukan prioritas, mengidentifikasi masalah, dan
4. Apa yang paling menarik menurut Anda dari pekerjaan ini? Dan apa yang paling tidak menarik?
Sebutkan tiga sampai empat faktor menarik dari pekerjaan yang anda hendak ambil dan satu hal kecil sebagai faktor yang kurang menarik.
5. Mengapa kami harus merekrut Anda?
Pertanyaan ini saam seperti pertanyaan nomor empat, sebutkan saja kemampuan-kemampuan Anda yang mampu mendukung perusahaan tersebut.
6. Apa yang Anda cari di dalam sebuah pekerjaan?
Berikan jawaban yang berkisar pada oportunitas di dalam organisasi. Beritahukan pewawancara kalau Anda ingin memberikan kontribusi dan dikenali. Hindari jawaban yang mempersoalkan kestabilan keuangan pribadi.
7. Menurut Anda, apa definisi dari posisi yang Anda inginkan?
Berikan jawaban yang singkat dan berkisar tentang tugas dan kewajiban. Pastikan Anda mengerti posisi tersebut sebelum Anda hendak menjawab.
8. Berapa lama waktu yang Anda butuhkan untuk memberikan kontribusi berarti bagi kami?
Beri jawaban yang realistik. Beritahukan pewawancara bahwa walaupun Anda akan berusaha mengatasi segala harapan dan tantangan dari hari pertama, Anda membutuhkan sekitar enam bulan untuk benar-benar mengerti organisasi perusahaan dan kebutuhannya.
9. Berapa lama Anda akan bersama kami?
Beritahukan pewawancara bahwa Anda tertarik berkarir bersama perusahaan tersebut namun Anda ingin tetap tertantang untuk mencapai target bersama.
10. Dari resume Anda, kami rasa Anda terlalu berpengalaman untuk posisi ini. Bagaimana pendapat Anda?
Ini pertanyaan jebakan. Anda diharapkan untuk tetap rendah hati namun percaya diri dengan kemampuan Anda. Cara terbaik menanganinya adalah menjawab bahwa Anda butuh mengenal perusahaan lebih jauh sebelum dapat dengan efisien bekerja di tingkat yang lebih tinggi.
11. Kenapa Anda meninggalkan pekerjaan Anda yang sebelumnya?
Anda sebaiknya menjawab pertanyaan ini dengan jujur namun singkat dan jelas termasuk jika hal tersebut karena Anda dipecat. Namun yang perlu diperhatikan, Anda sebaiknya jangan menyebutkan konflik pribadi. Perlu Anda perhitungkan bahwa pewawancara mungkin akan bertanya banyak soal masalah ini, jangan sampai Anda terbawa emosi.
12. Apa yang Anda rasakan ketika harus meninggalkan pekerjaan Anda?
Beritahu pewawancara bahwa Anda merasa khawatir namun jangan terkesan panik. Katakan bahwa Anda siap menerima segala resiko demi mendapatkan pekerjaan yang cocok untuk Anda. Jangan menunjukan bahwa Anda lebih mementingkan kestabilan keuangan.
13. Pada pekerjaan Anda sebelumnya, apa yang berkenan dengan Anda? Dan apa yang tidak berkenan?
Berhati-hatilah dalam menjawab pertanyaan ini dan kemukakan hal-hal positif. Deskripsikan lebih banyak hal yang Anda sukai daripada yang Anda tidak sukai. Jangan menyebutkan masalah pribadi. Jika Anda membuat pekerjaan sebelumnya terkesan buruk, pewawancara akan bertanya-tanya mengapa Anda berada disana. Hal ini jelas mengurangi profesionalisme Anda.
14. Apa pendapat Anda tentang bos Anda sebelumnya?
Ini juga pertanyaan yang harus Anda jawab dengan hati-hati. Sebisa mungkin jawablah pertanyaan ini dengan positif karena calon bos Anda akan merasa Anda akan membicarakan hal-hal buruk tentang dia seperti apa yang telah Anda lakukan terhadap bos yang terdahulu.
15. Mengapa Anda tidak mendapatkan pekerjaan yang lebih baik di usia Anda?
Lagi-lagi ini bisa menjadi pertanyaan jebakan. Beritahukan pewawancara bahwa inilah alasan Anda mencari lowongan pekerjaan di perusahaan tersebut. Jangan bersikap defensif.
16. Berapa gaji yang Anda minta?
Ini pertanyaan yang mengiurkan, namun pastikan Anda menyebutkan angka kisaran yang Anda yakin merupakan gaji yang pantas atau bertanya pada pewawancara berapa kisaran pada pekerjaan sejenis. Jika Anda diberi pertanyaan ini dari awal wawancara, sebaiknya Anda mengelaknya dengan mengatakan Anda ingin tahu seberapa banyak tanggung jawab yang akan Anda pegang di perusahaan tersebut. Tekankan bahwa Anda lebih mementingkan pekerjaannya namun jangan menjual standar Anda.
17. Apa target jangka panjang Anda?
Untuk menjawab pertanyaan ini, Anda lagi-lagi diharuskan meneliti perusahaan tersebut dan mengetahui rencana dan/atau target mereka lalu memberikan jawaban yang singkron dengan milik perusahaan.
18. Seberapa sukses yang Anda rasa telah capai?
Berikan jawaban yang positif dan percaya diri, namun jangan memberikan jawaban yang berlebih. Jangan membuat pewawancara merasa Anda seorang yang suka membesar-besarkan sesuatu.
1. Beritahukan kami tentang diri Anda?
Biasanya ini merupakan pertanyaan pembuka, karena itu jangan menghabiskan terlalu banyak waktu untuk menjawabnya. Berikan jawaban yang menjawab empat subjek: tahun-tahun terakhir, pendidikan, sejarah kerja, dan pengalaman karir terakhir.
2. Apa yang Anda ketahui tentang kami?
Ketika pertanyaan ini dikeluarkan, anda diharapkan mampu mendiskusikan produk atau pelayanan, pendapatan, reputasi, pandangan masyarakat, trget, permasalahan, gaya managemen, orang-orang di dalamnya, sejarah, dan filosofi perusahaan. Berikan jawaban yang memberitahu pewawancara bahwa Anda meluangkan waktu mencari tahu tentang perusahaan tersebut, namun jangan beraksi seperti Anda tahu segalanya tentang perusahaan tersebut, tunjukan keinginan mempelajari lebih banyak tentang perusahaan tersebut, dan jangan memberikan jawaban negatif seperti "Saya tahu perusahaan anda mengalami problema-problema, itu alasan saya disini". Tekankan keunggulan perusahaan dan minat Anda terhadap hal tersebut.
3. Apa yang dapat Anda berikan pada kami (yang orang lain tidak bisa beri)?
Sebutkan prestasi-prestasi dan jenjang karir yang Anda telah capai. Sebutkan kemampuan dan hal-hal yang menarik perhatian Anda, gabungkan dengan sejarah Anda mencapai hal-hal itu. Sebutkan kemampuan Anda menentukan prioritas, mengidentifikasi masalah, dan
4. Apa yang paling menarik menurut Anda dari pekerjaan ini? Dan apa yang paling tidak menarik?
Sebutkan tiga sampai empat faktor menarik dari pekerjaan yang anda hendak ambil dan satu hal kecil sebagai faktor yang kurang menarik.
5. Mengapa kami harus merekrut Anda?
Pertanyaan ini saam seperti pertanyaan nomor empat, sebutkan saja kemampuan-kemampuan Anda yang mampu mendukung perusahaan tersebut.
6. Apa yang Anda cari di dalam sebuah pekerjaan?
Berikan jawaban yang berkisar pada oportunitas di dalam organisasi. Beritahukan pewawancara kalau Anda ingin memberikan kontribusi dan dikenali. Hindari jawaban yang mempersoalkan kestabilan keuangan pribadi.
7. Menurut Anda, apa definisi dari posisi yang Anda inginkan?
Berikan jawaban yang singkat dan berkisar tentang tugas dan kewajiban. Pastikan Anda mengerti posisi tersebut sebelum Anda hendak menjawab.
8. Berapa lama waktu yang Anda butuhkan untuk memberikan kontribusi berarti bagi kami?
Beri jawaban yang realistik. Beritahukan pewawancara bahwa walaupun Anda akan berusaha mengatasi segala harapan dan tantangan dari hari pertama, Anda membutuhkan sekitar enam bulan untuk benar-benar mengerti organisasi perusahaan dan kebutuhannya.
9. Berapa lama Anda akan bersama kami?
Beritahukan pewawancara bahwa Anda tertarik berkarir bersama perusahaan tersebut namun Anda ingin tetap tertantang untuk mencapai target bersama.
10. Dari resume Anda, kami rasa Anda terlalu berpengalaman untuk posisi ini. Bagaimana pendapat Anda?
Ini pertanyaan jebakan. Anda diharapkan untuk tetap rendah hati namun percaya diri dengan kemampuan Anda. Cara terbaik menanganinya adalah menjawab bahwa Anda butuh mengenal perusahaan lebih jauh sebelum dapat dengan efisien bekerja di tingkat yang lebih tinggi.
11. Kenapa Anda meninggalkan pekerjaan Anda yang sebelumnya?
Anda sebaiknya menjawab pertanyaan ini dengan jujur namun singkat dan jelas termasuk jika hal tersebut karena Anda dipecat. Namun yang perlu diperhatikan, Anda sebaiknya jangan menyebutkan konflik pribadi. Perlu Anda perhitungkan bahwa pewawancara mungkin akan bertanya banyak soal masalah ini, jangan sampai Anda terbawa emosi.
12. Apa yang Anda rasakan ketika harus meninggalkan pekerjaan Anda?
Beritahu pewawancara bahwa Anda merasa khawatir namun jangan terkesan panik. Katakan bahwa Anda siap menerima segala resiko demi mendapatkan pekerjaan yang cocok untuk Anda. Jangan menunjukan bahwa Anda lebih mementingkan kestabilan keuangan.
13. Pada pekerjaan Anda sebelumnya, apa yang berkenan dengan Anda? Dan apa yang tidak berkenan?
Berhati-hatilah dalam menjawab pertanyaan ini dan kemukakan hal-hal positif. Deskripsikan lebih banyak hal yang Anda sukai daripada yang Anda tidak sukai. Jangan menyebutkan masalah pribadi. Jika Anda membuat pekerjaan sebelumnya terkesan buruk, pewawancara akan bertanya-tanya mengapa Anda berada disana. Hal ini jelas mengurangi profesionalisme Anda.
14. Apa pendapat Anda tentang bos Anda sebelumnya?
Ini juga pertanyaan yang harus Anda jawab dengan hati-hati. Sebisa mungkin jawablah pertanyaan ini dengan positif karena calon bos Anda akan merasa Anda akan membicarakan hal-hal buruk tentang dia seperti apa yang telah Anda lakukan terhadap bos yang terdahulu.
15. Mengapa Anda tidak mendapatkan pekerjaan yang lebih baik di usia Anda?
Lagi-lagi ini bisa menjadi pertanyaan jebakan. Beritahukan pewawancara bahwa inilah alasan Anda mencari lowongan pekerjaan di perusahaan tersebut. Jangan bersikap defensif.
16. Berapa gaji yang Anda minta?
Ini pertanyaan yang mengiurkan, namun pastikan Anda menyebutkan angka kisaran yang Anda yakin merupakan gaji yang pantas atau bertanya pada pewawancara berapa kisaran pada pekerjaan sejenis. Jika Anda diberi pertanyaan ini dari awal wawancara, sebaiknya Anda mengelaknya dengan mengatakan Anda ingin tahu seberapa banyak tanggung jawab yang akan Anda pegang di perusahaan tersebut. Tekankan bahwa Anda lebih mementingkan pekerjaannya namun jangan menjual standar Anda.
17. Apa target jangka panjang Anda?
Untuk menjawab pertanyaan ini, Anda lagi-lagi diharuskan meneliti perusahaan tersebut dan mengetahui rencana dan/atau target mereka lalu memberikan jawaban yang singkron dengan milik perusahaan.
18. Seberapa sukses yang Anda rasa telah capai?
Berikan jawaban yang positif dan percaya diri, namun jangan memberikan jawaban yang berlebih. Jangan membuat pewawancara merasa Anda seorang yang suka membesar-besarkan sesuatu.
Attention to :
Human Resources department
PT. Indoprima Mikroselindo
Dear Sir or Madam,
I am ... years of age interested in applying for position as Customer Care Officer in your company. Although the position is highly competitive, I hope you would be consider me adjust to my qualification.
I graduated from .......... Bachelor Degree ............. University in 20xx with GPA 3.xx. I had work experiences as Customer Service in PT. ............... for ... years. I am sure that with my work experiences and educational background, I will be able to work professionally. Besides, I like responsibility, enjoy the challenging situation, and derive much pleasure from improving my abilities.
I would be grateful if you kind enough to give me opportunity and take this application with favorable consideration. I will cooperate to give worthy contributions and reflect honor and integrity to your company. If my qualification meets your requirement, please do not hesitant to contact me.
I am look forward to receiving your welcome reply.
Yours truly,
Human Resources department
PT. Indoprima Mikroselindo
Dear Sir or Madam,
I am ... years of age interested in applying for position as Customer Care Officer in your company. Although the position is highly competitive, I hope you would be consider me adjust to my qualification.
I graduated from .......... Bachelor Degree ............. University in 20xx with GPA 3.xx. I had work experiences as Customer Service in PT. ............... for ... years. I am sure that with my work experiences and educational background, I will be able to work professionally. Besides, I like responsibility, enjoy the challenging situation, and derive much pleasure from improving my abilities.
I would be grateful if you kind enough to give me opportunity and take this application with favorable consideration. I will cooperate to give worthy contributions and reflect honor and integrity to your company. If my qualification meets your requirement, please do not hesitant to contact me.
I am look forward to receiving your welcome reply.
Yours truly,
JNE is a national leading company that provides one stop service solution for Logistics and Distribution, which are city courier, domestic courier, international courier, logistics and distribution, international sea and air cargo, moving, trucking, and warehousing, express custom clearance, airport escort, and money transfer.
We are currently looking for candidates who have seven core value which are honest, responsible, discipline, team work, fair, visioner, and care for this following position:
Competency Assessment Jr. Supervisor - Jakarta
Responsibilities :
The availability of resources for assessment purposes of promotion, transfer, and periodic assessment for employees at headquarters and branch offices.
The availability of an update and assessment results are integrated in the system.
Organizational Performance and Implementation of a good team
Requirements :
Procedure :
Written application and CV to the mail sent to :
and CC to :
Assessor Supervisor
Responsibilities :
Implementation of competency-based assessment for the purposes of promotion, transfer, and periodic assessment for employees in the head office and branches.
The availability of summary assessment results as input in the preparation of each employee competency development program.
Requirements :
Procedure :
Written application and CV to the mail sent to :
and CC to :
Competency Development & Assessment Dept. Head - Jakarta
Responsibilities :
Implementation of career development activities and competency-based talent to Head Office and Branch Offices.
Handling personnel, activities, and other resources in accordance team mission and vision of the company.
Requirements :
Procedure :
Written application and CV to the mail sent to :
and CC to :
Responsibilities :
Requirements :
Procedure :
Written application and CV to the mail sent to :
and CC to :
Requirements :
Procedure :
Written application and CV to the mail sent to :
and CC to :
- Competency Assessment Jr. Supervisor - Human Capital - S1 - Jakarta - 28 November 2012
- Assessor Supervisor- Human Capital - S1 - Jakarta - 28 November 2012
- Competency Development & Assessment Dept. Head- Human Capital - S1 - Jakarta - 28 November 2012
- SPV. HUMAN CAPITAL- Operasional - S1 - Surabaya - 27 November 2012
- OFFICER DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM (ODP) - TRAINING - S1 - Jakarta Raya - 19 November 2012 --- Update : Friday, November 16, 2012
We are currently looking for candidates who have seven core value which are honest, responsible, discipline, team work, fair, visioner, and care for this following position:
Competency Assessment Jr. Supervisor - Jakarta
Responsibilities :
The availability of resources for assessment purposes of promotion, transfer, and periodic assessment for employees at headquarters and branch offices.
- Develop and / or revise the standard assessment tools of managerial and non-managerial level based modules competence in Head Office and Branch Offices.
- Develop and / or revise the standard stages of assessment level managerial and non managerial competency based module in the Head Office and Branch Offices.
- Assessment tools to distribute office.
- Ensure validation of assessment tools regularly.
- Ensuring the assessment facilitator in each branch office.
- Prepare grand timeline assessment activities for the Head Office and Branch Office.
The availability of an update and assessment results are integrated in the system.
- Inputting and / or update the results of assessment made by the assessor to the HCIS.
- Inputting and / or update the plan into the HCIS development programs, based on the assessment given by the assessor
Organizational Performance and Implementation of a good team
- Conduct a review SOPs at the Competency Assessment periodically and propose revisions, if necessary, to the Head of Department.
- Provide monthly reports to the Head of the Department regarding the achievement of PKD, use of funds and the implementation of job desc.
- Developing insights and network with practitioners of Human Capital from external companies.
- Maintain confidentiality of company data from unauthorized parties.
Requirements :
- Minimal S1, preferably in the field of Psychology or Human Resource Management.
- Assessment experience in at least 2 (two) years.
- Understanding assessment methods and tools required for promotion / transfer / periodic competency assessments of employees. Especially those who have national certification as an assessor.
- Having the character / nature: Honestly, Visionary, Responsibility, and Discipline.
- Willing to travel / offices out of town.
- Strong communication and build a good network.
- Has good presentation skills.
- It has the ability of good report presentation.
- Has the spirit of cooperation and social skills.
Procedure :
Written application and CV to the mail sent to :
and CC to :
Assessor Supervisor
Responsibilities :
Implementation of competency-based assessment for the purposes of promotion, transfer, and periodic assessment for employees in the head office and branches.
- Managing freight forwarding: Operational and sales of export-import
- Managing the development and sales of warehouse include: High tech WH, FMCG, Marcom Merchandise, E-Commerce WH & DG WH
The availability of summary assessment results as input in the preparation of each employee competency development program.
- Running & design standards that have been set rates headquarters
- Merekomeindasikan local rate-related activities and business activities in the area of responsibility
Requirements :
- Minimal S1, preferably in the field of Psychology.
- Assessment experience in at least 2 (two) years.
- Understanding assessment methods and tools required for promotion / transfer / periodic competency assessments of employees.
- Especially those who have national certification as an assessor.
- Having the character / nature: Honestly, Visionary, Responsibility, and Discipline.
- Willing to travel / offices out of town.
- Strong communication and build a good network.
- Has the spirit of cooperation and social skills.
Procedure :
Written application and CV to the mail sent to :
and CC to :
Competency Development & Assessment Dept. Head - Jakarta
Responsibilities :
Implementation of career development activities and competency-based talent to Head Office and Branch Offices.
- Verify revision / proposed changes / additions competency module, your competency development, career pathways and guidelines proposed by the Head of Competency Development.
- Verify revision proposed assessment tools assessor and Head of Competency Assessment.
- Verify the results of the assessment and recommendations competency development program of assessor prior to submission to the Ministry of People Development and be input into the HCIS.
- Being a Manager level competency assessor.
Handling personnel, activities, and other resources in accordance team mission and vision of the company.
- Verify submission revisions or periodically to review the results of internal SOP Department of Head.
- Asking recommendation changes / adjustments to the structure of the Department Head of Human Capital, according to the mission, vision, and strategy.
- Prepare job description and job tasks for each internal department employee.
- Conduct a review job description and job task team regularly.
- Ensure all employees in the department have a hard copy, read, understand and carry out their duties according to the job description given to him.
- Provide direction and assignment to all internal employees of the Department.
- Evaluate performance of direct reports to work every appropriate procedure.
- Oversight, coordination, and coaching to all employees under the coordination in order to work motivation.
- Prepare Work Program Department (PKD) based Quality Objectives and Quality Policy has been set.
- Prepare departmental budget according to your needs and work program.
- Monitor the achievement of targets in PKD and efficient use of the budget.
- Developing insights and network with practitioners of Human Capital from external companies.
- Report the results of the analysis and evaluation of the development of competence and diligence (assessment) periodically at Chief Human Capital Division.
- Maintain confidentiality of company data from unauthorized parties.
Requirements :
- Minimal S1, preferably in the field of Psychology or Human Resource Management.
- Assessment experience in at least 2 (two) years.
- Understanding assessment methods and tools required for promotion / transfer / periodic competency assessments of employees.
- Especially those who have national certification as an assessor.
- Having the character / nature: Honestly, Visionary, Responsibility, and Discipline.
- Willing to travel / offices out of town.
- Having good leadership skills.
- Strong communication and build a good network.
- Has good presentation skills.
- Has the spirit of cooperation and social skills.
Procedure :
Written application and CV to the mail sent to :
and CC to :
Responsibilities :
- Monitor, evaluate the whole work unit kaktivitas in Human Capital and General Affair
- Responsible for the entire unit report on Human Capital and General Affair
- Assist in budget planning and process implementation costs with reference to the efficiency and effectiveness
- Conduct briefing and motivational coaching to employees
- Prepare / departments reporting to branch head
Requirements :
- Male / Female
- Age max 35 years
- Min S1 Educational Psychology
- Min 2 years experience in the same field
- Having good leadership skills
- Able to work under pressure and to achieve specific work
- Willing to travel / out of town service
- Willing to be placed in accordance with the area of coordination
Procedure :
Written application and CV to the mail sent to :
and CC to :
Requirements :
- Male and Female with min 25 years old and max 30 years old
- Min S1 from any background with min GPA 3.00
- Having work experience min 2 (two) years
- Fluent in English (oral and written)
- Able to operate computer, min Ms. Office programs
- Having good initiate, communication, managerial, presentation and analytical skill
- Able to work under pressure and able to reach target
- Willing to go to business trip
- Willing to be posted in all around Indonesia
Procedure :
Written application and CV to the mail sent to :
and CC to :
- Competency Assessment Jr. Supervisor - Human Capital - S1 - Jakarta - 28 November 2012
- Assessor Supervisor- Human Capital - S1 - Jakarta - 28 November 2012
- Competency Development & Assessment Dept. Head- Human Capital - S1 - Jakarta - 28 November 2012
- SPV. HUMAN CAPITAL- Operasional - S1 - Surabaya - 27 November 2012
- OFFICER DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM (ODP) - TRAINING - S1 - Jakarta Raya - 19 November 2012 --- Update : Friday, November 16, 2012
Since its establishment in 1972, PT Imeco Inter Sarana has emerged as a leading Indonesian company providing a broad range of products and services for various energy projects. Imeco's core business activities cover the following markets Oil & gas industry, Power generation industry, Process industry. Imeco is a dynamic business organization managed by executives who are recognized leaders in their respective fields.
Imeco attributes its success to the spirit and dedication of its staffs and employees. As a good corporate citizen, Imeco is committed to take an active role in the development of Indonesia and to fulfill its social responsibilities to the community.
HRD MANAGER - Close : 19 Nov 2012
Position Requirements
Position Requirements
EXECUTIVE SECRETARY - Close : 19 Nov 2012
Position Requirements
Position Requirements
If you meet the qualifications, please send email to :
Only candidates with best qualifications will be invited for further process. --- Update : Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Imeco attributes its success to the spirit and dedication of its staffs and employees. As a good corporate citizen, Imeco is committed to take an active role in the development of Indonesia and to fulfill its social responsibilities to the community.
HRD MANAGER - Close : 19 Nov 2012
Position Requirements
- Background in Psychology or HR-related
- Min. 10 years experience in HRD
- Have experiences in labor issues
- Preferably from energy / oil & gas / manufacturing industry
Position Requirements
- Background in Business Administration or Finance or Strategy, S2 preferred
- 5 - 7 years experience
- Fluent in English ( writing & verbal )
- Very good writing skills
EXECUTIVE SECRETARY - Close : 19 Nov 2012
Position Requirements
- Min. 10 years experience as secretary
- All rounded person, good personality
- Fluent in English ( writing & verbal )
Position Requirements
- Background in Law
- Minimum 10 years experience
- Have experience in Corporate Law and Labor Law
- Fluent in English ( writing & verbal )
If you meet the qualifications, please send email to :
Only candidates with best qualifications will be invited for further process. --- Update : Tuesday, November 13, 2012
PT. Navigat Energy is a European Management Company: aspiring to inspire the Indonesian Industry for utilizing the natural renounces or the country as an alternative for oil. We are the market leaders in Gas Engines in Indonesia and provide a wide range power generation services and equipment in Indonesia. We optimize mobility opportunities and strive to progress and thrive on challenges.
Our purpose is to create a brighter future for generations to come as we have the power to achieve it. We would like qualified candidates to loin us as:
The candidate should have:
• Minimum S1 in Mechanical Engineering/Electrical Engineering with above average grades;
• Minimum 10 years working experience in managing large project, in Power Plant is preferred;
• Have strong knowledge in power plants in general as well as capability in gas engines and its spare parts;
The candidate should have:
• Minimum S1 in Electrical Engineering with above average grades;
• Minimum 6 years working experience in (gas) Power Plant construction and Operations & Maintenance;
• Have knowledge in electrical controls and protection systems of power generation distribution, familiar with Etap electrical software;
The candidate should have:
• Minimum S1 in Mechanical Engineering with above average grades;
• Have minimum 6 years working experience in (gas) Power Plant construction and Operations & Maintenance;
• Have good knowledge in project control and expediting the progress and familiar with MS Project, MS Office and AutoCAD.
General Requirements:
• Good communication skills (spoken & written English) and good computer skills (MS Office) are a must;
• Must have a can-do attitude and be interested in working individually and also in a team with the highest Level of integrity;
• Willing to travel to all over Indonesia.
If you fulfill the above requirements please send your application with complete CV, expected salary, phone number and recent photograph within, not later than 14 days after the date of this advertisement to:
Or by e-mail to: --- Update : Saturday, November 17, 2012
Our purpose is to create a brighter future for generations to come as we have the power to achieve it. We would like qualified candidates to loin us as:
The candidate should have:
• Minimum S1 in Mechanical Engineering/Electrical Engineering with above average grades;
• Minimum 10 years working experience in managing large project, in Power Plant is preferred;
• Have strong knowledge in power plants in general as well as capability in gas engines and its spare parts;
The candidate should have:
• Minimum S1 in Electrical Engineering with above average grades;
• Minimum 6 years working experience in (gas) Power Plant construction and Operations & Maintenance;
• Have knowledge in electrical controls and protection systems of power generation distribution, familiar with Etap electrical software;
The candidate should have:
• Minimum S1 in Mechanical Engineering with above average grades;
• Have minimum 6 years working experience in (gas) Power Plant construction and Operations & Maintenance;
• Have good knowledge in project control and expediting the progress and familiar with MS Project, MS Office and AutoCAD.
General Requirements:
• Good communication skills (spoken & written English) and good computer skills (MS Office) are a must;
• Must have a can-do attitude and be interested in working individually and also in a team with the highest Level of integrity;
• Willing to travel to all over Indonesia.
If you fulfill the above requirements please send your application with complete CV, expected salary, phone number and recent photograph within, not later than 14 days after the date of this advertisement to:
Or by e-mail to: --- Update : Saturday, November 17, 2012
METRO Department Store is one of the leading retailers in Indonesia operating 5 stores, 4 in Jakarta and one in Bandung. The first METRO store opened in 1991 at Mal Pondok Indah catering to the needs of the residents of the exclusive Pondok Indah and surrounding residential districts.
With the success of METRO Pondok Indah, the second store at Plaza Senayan opened in 1995 bringing another METRO to the central business district and the posh central residential areas. In October 2001, a third store followed in Bandung, at the newest and largest shopping mall, Bandung Supermal, bringing shopping to another level for the population of Bandung.
The latest addition to the group was added in February 2002 at Mal Taman Anggrek, giving access to METRO customers living in West Jakarta. The 4 department stores with more than 500,000 square feet of retail space offer a wide variety of merchandise from well-known international labels to famous local brands. METRO, now a familiar household name, will continue to showcase retail merchandising at its best for Indonesians.
As a leading full-lined store, METRO's top priority is focused on serving the shopping needs of our customers. Our commitment is to serve our customers with the best possible selection, quality, value and service. The company's philoshopy is to provide our customers with convenient shopping environments catering to their every need and comfort.
Grab the most exciting career opportunity and grow with us, METRO Department Store, the first multinational retail company in Asia Pacific qualified by the ISO 9001:2008.
Technician / Teknisi (TEK)
IT Staff (ITS)
Visual Merchandising (VM)
All candidates should have good command of English, both written and spoken. Be computer-literate, especially in operating MS Office. Working experience in retail industry will be an advantage.
Only qualified candidates who meet the above qualifications will be invited for interviews.
By Post
HRD Department
PT. Metropolitan Retailmart
Mal Pondok Indah Level 3 Utara
Jl. Metro Pondok Indah Blok III - B
Jakarta 12310
Kindly indicate the position applied at the top left side of envelope for quick processing.
By Email --- Update : Friday, November 16, 2012
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Recent Job Search:
Lowongan Kerja METRO Department Store Terbaru September 2012
Serta lowongan kerja bank, lowongan kerja pertamina, lowongan di bandung ... The first METRO store opened in 1991 at Mal Pondok Indah ... Retail and Mall | LOKER (LOWONGAN KERJA) LULUSAN SMALowongan Kerja Lulusan S1 di PT Matahari Department Store, Tbk Juni 2012 ... Lowongan Kerja Terbaru 2012: Lowongan Kerja Metro Dept Store lowongan-kerja-terbaru-2012-lowongan-kerja-metro-dept-store 2012 – info mengenai Metro Dept Store membuka lowongan kerja ... in 1991, precisely at Pondok Indah Mall, in an effort to meet the needs of the community ... Repeating the success of METRO Pondok Indah, then presented the two Pondok Indah Mall Buka Lowongan Kerja Supervisor dan Kepala ... Kirimkan Lamaran lengkap anda: PONDOK INDAH MALL Jl Metro Pondok Indah Blok III B Jakarta Selatan 12017. Lowongan Kerja Psikologi Finance Section Chief ... - Lowongan Kerja | Job Listings | Lowongan metropolitan...pondok-indah-mall Finance Section Chief METROPOLITAN KENTJANA, PT. TBK ( PONDOK INDAH MALL ) | Lowongan Kerja | Job Listings | Lowongan ...Lowongan METROPOLITAN KENTJANA, PT. TBK ( Pondok Indah Mall Buka Lowongan Kerja Supervisor dan Kepala Seksi ... PT METROPOLITAN KENTJANA, TBK ( PONDOK INDAH MALL ...LOWONGAN KERJA BANDUNG PONDOK INDAH; METRO lowongan-kerja-bandung-pondok-indah-metro-department-store: LOWONGAN KERJA MALL BANDUNG, LOWONGAN KERJA METRO ... The first METRO store opened in 1991 at Mal Pondok Indah catering to Lowongan Metro Pondok Indah Mall vacancies/lowongan-metro-pondok-indah-mall.html: PT METRO GLOBAL SERVICES (METROTELWORKS). lowongan kerja Administration Staff Metro Telworks. job vacancy metro global services. Metro Telworks Lowongan Kerja Pondok Indah Health Care NURSE STAFF & ECU ... pondok-indah-health-care-nurse-s. Jl.Metro Duta Kav UE Pondok Indah-Jakarta Selatan or ... pondok indah mall, lowongan pekerjaan kasir metro pondok indah, lowongan nurse Lowongan Kerja Terbaru Metro Department Store 2012 | lowongan-kerja-terbaru-metro-department-store-2012 Lowongan Kerja Terbaru2012 Butuh Banyak Karyawan u/METRO DepartmentStore JAKARTA - (Jika tidak tau dimana kantor HRD Metro di Mall Pondok Indah, Tanya SATPAM..) ... lowongan dibuka mulai 2011 sampai posisi full. .... jg? agan kerja di metro pim? kebetulan ane sekarang jg lg di metro pim bagian Kopi Tiam, Pondok Indah Mall | Restoran › Asian -Peta Lokasi Kopi Tiam, Pondok Indah Mall Lokasi : Pondok Indah Mall 1 Lantai 2 Unit 249 Jl. Metro Pondok Indah iklan Lowongan Kerja ...SPG Metro Taman Anggrek, Pondok Indah Mall, Plaza Senayan .SPG Metro Taman Anggrek, Pondok Indah Mall, Plaza Senayan, Kelapa Gading - Jakarta ... photo terbaru 4x6 1lbr) disertai kode posisi, lokasi yang di inginkan dan info lowongan ... Tuliskan judul Kode Pekerjaan SPG di email yg anda kirim.Lowongan Kerja Matahari Department Store 2012 Solo September lowongan kerja mall bandung, lowongan kerja metro store, lowongan metro department store, lowongan mall pondok indah, loker metro bandung, lowongan Informasi Movie Schedules Pondok Indah Mall 2 Lowongan Terbaru ...Lowongan Kerja Terbaru Bakerzin Pondok Indah Mall 2 Jl Metro Pondok Indah Restaurant Job Vacancy Restaurant Bakerzin Pondok Indah Mall 2 .Pondok-indah | Lowongan Kerja CPNS dan BUMN - Info Lowongan Lowongan kerja di jakarta, medan, surabaya, bandung, semarang, dan kota ... The first METRO store opened in 1991 at Mal Pondok Indah .Job Vacancy Recruitment Staff PT Lowongan Kerja Terbaru Juni 2012 Job Vacancy Recruitment Staff PT Metrox ... With the success of METRO Pondok Indah, the second store at Plaza Senayan ... Officially opened its first outlet in 1991, precisely at Pondok Indah Mall, in an Pakaian Karyawan Metro Pondok Indah Mall Lowongan Kerja Pekerjaan CPNS Swasta Pegawai info. Lowongan Di Shopping Mall | Info Lowongan Kerja dan Lowongan LOWONGAN KERJA METRO Department Store Jakarta Oktober 2012 ... Metro Pondok Indah Blok III – BJakarta 12310 METRO Department Store is one of ...Info Lowongan Kerja Hari Ini Di Metro Pim ... - Lowongan Kerja 2012 PT METRO GLOBAL SERVICES (METROTELWORKS). lowongan kerja Administration Staff Metro Telworks. job vacancy metro global services. Metro Telworks
With the success of METRO Pondok Indah, the second store at Plaza Senayan opened in 1995 bringing another METRO to the central business district and the posh central residential areas. In October 2001, a third store followed in Bandung, at the newest and largest shopping mall, Bandung Supermal, bringing shopping to another level for the population of Bandung.
The latest addition to the group was added in February 2002 at Mal Taman Anggrek, giving access to METRO customers living in West Jakarta. The 4 department stores with more than 500,000 square feet of retail space offer a wide variety of merchandise from well-known international labels to famous local brands. METRO, now a familiar household name, will continue to showcase retail merchandising at its best for Indonesians.
As a leading full-lined store, METRO's top priority is focused on serving the shopping needs of our customers. Our commitment is to serve our customers with the best possible selection, quality, value and service. The company's philoshopy is to provide our customers with convenient shopping environments catering to their every need and comfort.
Grab the most exciting career opportunity and grow with us, METRO Department Store, the first multinational retail company in Asia Pacific qualified by the ISO 9001:2008.
Technician / Teknisi (TEK)
- Pria, usia maks 28 tahun. Pendidikan min. STM/SMK Elektro.
- Pengalaman min. 1 tahun sebagai Teknisi.
- Memahami plumbing, kelistrikan dan maintenance.
- Lebih disukai berpengalaman di retail / hotel.
- Wanita, min. SMU/setara, usia maks. 30 tahun
- Pengalaman sebagai Security min. 1 tahun
- Tinggi badan min. 158 cm (wanita) dengan berat badan proporsional.
- Lebih disukai memiliki kemampuan bela diri.
- Pria, min. SMU/setara. Usia maks 30 tahun.
- Memiliki SIM B1 dan berpengalaman sebagai Driver/Supir min. 1 tahun.
- Mengetahui jalan-jalan di sekitar Jabodetabek.
- Your main responsibilities are to manage and support a multi-site Windows Server, including file and printer sharing, backup administration, user and group administration, troubleshooting, and software license tracking. You are also expected to implement data backup strategy.
- Juggling with simultaneous tasks, you are expected to be a self-starter, independent and have good time management.
- Male, max 30 years old, S1 in Computer Science / Computer Engineering, and min. of 3 years experience in Microsoft Infrastructure System (Active Directory, Exchange Server, ISA Server). You should also acquire skills in TCP/IP Networking, Network Security, Firewalls, WAN Routers and Network Infrastructure. Having experience in network implementation, operational, support and monitoring, is an advantage. Communication skill in English is required.
- You will be responsible for developing all aspects of graphic design and creative concept.
- Male / female, max 28 years old with bachelor degree in Graphic Design / Visual Communication Design and min 2 years experience in related function.
- Responsible for total brand management in terms of marketing, sales, operations and product development; including brand concepts, developments and execution or marketing strategies, and advertising & promotional activities. You are expected to have strong negotiating, as well as excellent communication skills, and ability to manage a sales team.
- Male/female, max. 35 years old, min. Bachelor / S1 degree.
- Min. 3 years experience in brand marketing of fashion products is essential.
- Fluent in English and able to operate Microsoft Office.
- Female, max. 27 years old, min. D3 graduate in Administration.
- Computer literate and preferably having at least 1 year experience in administration.
- Experience in retail industry is an advantage.
- You are responsible to assist the brand marketing team in administration aspects and in coordinating with internal as well as external parties to ensure the department function is well-implemented.
- Female, max. 27 years old, min. D3 graduate.
- Should be excellent in operating MS Office, and have good command of English, both verbal & written.
- Should have at least 1 year of experience in administration field.
- Reporting to the Brand Marketing Manager, the Loyalty-Program Supervisor is responsible in managing the implementation of customer-loyalty programs aiming to retain and increase the number of customers of brands managed by Metro (Birkenstock, bYSI, Mila, Mood, s.Oliver, etc).
- You should be able to propose activities, analyze data and evaluate the effectiveness of each delivered program.
- Male/female, age 28 – 35, min. Bachelor’s degree. Min.2 years experience in managing similar customer-loyalty programs.
- Your communication skill should be excellent, both in Bahasa Indonesia and in English. Strong computer skill is required, especially MS Excel, MS Word and MS Power Point.
- Reporting to the Brand Marketing Manager, the Social Media Coordinator is responsible in launching and managing our social network accounts on Facebook, Twitter dan other relevant Web 2.0 sites.
- You should be able to work across departments to ensure that proper messaging is being executed online, and is relevant to organizational goals
- You are also responsible to manage online discussions and respond in a timely manner to users’ needs and requests.
- Male/female, age 25-28, min. Bachelor’s degree - preferably in Communication. Min.2 years experience in online social media or fashion online networking is required. Experience in customer service area is also an advantage.
- Your communication skill should be excellent, both in Bahasa Indonesia and in English. Strong computer skill is required, especially in MS Excel and MS Word.
- Wanita, maks. 23 th, pendidikan min. setara SMU/SMK.
- Berpenampilan menarik & proporsional. Tinggi badan min. 158 cm (wanita) dan 168 cm (pria).
- Memiliki pengalaman 1 tahun sebagai pramuniaga.
- Ramah serta memiliki kemampuan berkomunikasi & keterampilan menjual yang baik.
- Wanita, min. SMU/setara, usia maks. 28 tahun
- Pengalaman sebagai Security min. 1 tahun
- Tinggi badan min. 158 cm (wanita) dan 168 cm (pria).
- Lebih disukai memiliki kemampuan bela diri
- If you have basic knowledge of interior design / fashion design, and has strong interest in retail fashion & merchandise display, you can begin your career as part of our visual merchandising team. The team is responsible for creating the concept of our stores’ display & decoration, and implementing the concept to support the every promotional event accordingly.
- Male/female, max. 25, min. S1 graduate, preferably in Interior Design or Fashion Design.
- Has flair for fashion and unbelievably creative. Ability to operate Photoshop is an advantage.
IT Staff (ITS)
- Responsible for IT system implementation in store.
- Male, max 27 years old.
- Min. S1 graduate in Computer Science. Acquiring Excel, network & PC.
- You are responsible to support all departments by developing coding programs based on program specification.
- Female, max. 27 years old. We welcome S1 Fresh Graduates in Computer Science/Information System/Information Technology to apply.
- Has intensive knowledge in O/S HP UX, RDBMS and other programming languages. Should posses strong analytical & logical programming skills.
- METRO Management Trainee Program is designed to meet the company’s demand of Sales Supervisor positions. Reporting to the Department Executive, a Sales Supervisor is stationed on the selling floor and is responsible for achieving the sales target by managing the people as well as the merchandise of his/her particular department.
- If you have strong interest to build your career in retail industry, especially in store operation functions, this is the position you should apply. However, since you will be part of the operation team, your should be prepared to work at weekends and in shift-system.
- We welcome S1 Fresh Graduates to apply, or D3 Graduates if you already have working experience in retail. Being computer literate and able to communicate in English are required. You also ought to have good communication, coordination and analytical skills, and potential to lead people.
- You will be responsible for the execution of projects, starting from identifying requirements, selection of sources, budgeting, controlling and monitoring.
- Male / female, max. 30, S1 graduate from Architecture. Min 5 years experience in architectural / interior design, including at least 2 in retail industry
- Your main responsibility is to implement strategies for budgeting, sourcing and managing the right merchandise to support the achievement of targeted sales.
- Bachelor Degree / S1 graduate with minimum 3 years experience in retail merchandising.
- You are expected to have good vision in trend of lifestyle as well as strong analytical & interpersonal skills. You should have a sharp sense of business and negotiation skill.
- Computer literate (esp. Microsoft Office) and have excellent communication skill in English. Ability to operate Adobe Reader and MS Project is an advantage.
- Your main function is to maintain the company’s RDMBS / database system, including data back-up & restoration, daily monitoring of database effective performance and development of the database system to enhance its effectiveness.
- To perform the function, you should have knowledge and skill in Unix / Linux Varian operating system and be capable of database logic file system.
- Male, age max. 28, min. Bachelor’s degree in Information Technology. At least 1 year of experience in the same function.
- Your communication skill should be excellent, both in Bahasa Indonesia and in English.
Visual Merchandising (VM)
- You will be responsible for the implementation of visual merchandising / display in our stores.
- Male/Female, age between 23 – 27. D3 graduate in art or design. Min 1 year experience in related background, preferably in retail industry. Has flair for fashion and interior decoration.
All candidates should have good command of English, both written and spoken. Be computer-literate, especially in operating MS Office. Working experience in retail industry will be an advantage.
Only qualified candidates who meet the above qualifications will be invited for interviews.
By Post
HRD Department
PT. Metropolitan Retailmart
Mal Pondok Indah Level 3 Utara
Jl. Metro Pondok Indah Blok III - B
Jakarta 12310
Kindly indicate the position applied at the top left side of envelope for quick processing.
By Email --- Update : Friday, November 16, 2012
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Recent Job Search:
Lowongan Kerja METRO Department Store Terbaru September 2012
Serta lowongan kerja bank, lowongan kerja pertamina, lowongan di bandung ... The first METRO store opened in 1991 at Mal Pondok Indah ... Retail and Mall | LOKER (LOWONGAN KERJA) LULUSAN SMALowongan Kerja Lulusan S1 di PT Matahari Department Store, Tbk Juni 2012 ... Lowongan Kerja Terbaru 2012: Lowongan Kerja Metro Dept Store lowongan-kerja-terbaru-2012-lowongan-kerja-metro-dept-store 2012 – info mengenai Metro Dept Store membuka lowongan kerja ... in 1991, precisely at Pondok Indah Mall, in an effort to meet the needs of the community ... Repeating the success of METRO Pondok Indah, then presented the two Pondok Indah Mall Buka Lowongan Kerja Supervisor dan Kepala ... Kirimkan Lamaran lengkap anda: PONDOK INDAH MALL Jl Metro Pondok Indah Blok III B Jakarta Selatan 12017. Lowongan Kerja Psikologi Finance Section Chief ... - Lowongan Kerja | Job Listings | Lowongan metropolitan...pondok-indah-mall Finance Section Chief METROPOLITAN KENTJANA, PT. TBK ( PONDOK INDAH MALL ) | Lowongan Kerja | Job Listings | Lowongan ...Lowongan METROPOLITAN KENTJANA, PT. TBK ( Pondok Indah Mall Buka Lowongan Kerja Supervisor dan Kepala Seksi ... PT METROPOLITAN KENTJANA, TBK ( PONDOK INDAH MALL ...LOWONGAN KERJA BANDUNG PONDOK INDAH; METRO lowongan-kerja-bandung-pondok-indah-metro-department-store: LOWONGAN KERJA MALL BANDUNG, LOWONGAN KERJA METRO ... The first METRO store opened in 1991 at Mal Pondok Indah catering to Lowongan Metro Pondok Indah Mall vacancies/lowongan-metro-pondok-indah-mall.html: PT METRO GLOBAL SERVICES (METROTELWORKS). lowongan kerja Administration Staff Metro Telworks. job vacancy metro global services. Metro Telworks Lowongan Kerja Pondok Indah Health Care NURSE STAFF & ECU ... pondok-indah-health-care-nurse-s. Jl.Metro Duta Kav UE Pondok Indah-Jakarta Selatan or ... pondok indah mall, lowongan pekerjaan kasir metro pondok indah, lowongan nurse Lowongan Kerja Terbaru Metro Department Store 2012 | lowongan-kerja-terbaru-metro-department-store-2012 Lowongan Kerja Terbaru2012 Butuh Banyak Karyawan u/METRO DepartmentStore JAKARTA - (Jika tidak tau dimana kantor HRD Metro di Mall Pondok Indah, Tanya SATPAM..) ... lowongan dibuka mulai 2011 sampai posisi full. .... jg? agan kerja di metro pim? kebetulan ane sekarang jg lg di metro pim bagian Kopi Tiam, Pondok Indah Mall | Restoran › Asian -Peta Lokasi Kopi Tiam, Pondok Indah Mall Lokasi : Pondok Indah Mall 1 Lantai 2 Unit 249 Jl. Metro Pondok Indah iklan Lowongan Kerja ...SPG Metro Taman Anggrek, Pondok Indah Mall, Plaza Senayan .SPG Metro Taman Anggrek, Pondok Indah Mall, Plaza Senayan, Kelapa Gading - Jakarta ... photo terbaru 4x6 1lbr) disertai kode posisi, lokasi yang di inginkan dan info lowongan ... Tuliskan judul Kode Pekerjaan SPG di email yg anda kirim.Lowongan Kerja Matahari Department Store 2012 Solo September lowongan kerja mall bandung, lowongan kerja metro store, lowongan metro department store, lowongan mall pondok indah, loker metro bandung, lowongan Informasi Movie Schedules Pondok Indah Mall 2 Lowongan Terbaru ...Lowongan Kerja Terbaru Bakerzin Pondok Indah Mall 2 Jl Metro Pondok Indah Restaurant Job Vacancy Restaurant Bakerzin Pondok Indah Mall 2 .Pondok-indah | Lowongan Kerja CPNS dan BUMN - Info Lowongan Lowongan kerja di jakarta, medan, surabaya, bandung, semarang, dan kota ... The first METRO store opened in 1991 at Mal Pondok Indah .Job Vacancy Recruitment Staff PT Lowongan Kerja Terbaru Juni 2012 Job Vacancy Recruitment Staff PT Metrox ... With the success of METRO Pondok Indah, the second store at Plaza Senayan ... Officially opened its first outlet in 1991, precisely at Pondok Indah Mall, in an Pakaian Karyawan Metro Pondok Indah Mall Lowongan Kerja Pekerjaan CPNS Swasta Pegawai info. Lowongan Di Shopping Mall | Info Lowongan Kerja dan Lowongan LOWONGAN KERJA METRO Department Store Jakarta Oktober 2012 ... Metro Pondok Indah Blok III – BJakarta 12310 METRO Department Store is one of ...Info Lowongan Kerja Hari Ini Di Metro Pim ... - Lowongan Kerja 2012 PT METRO GLOBAL SERVICES (METROTELWORKS). lowongan kerja Administration Staff Metro Telworks. job vacancy metro global services. Metro Telworks