With the success of METRO Pondok Indah, the second store at Plaza Senayan opened in 1995 bringing another METRO to the central business district and the posh central residential areas. In October 2001, a third store followed in Bandung, at the newest and largest shopping mall, Bandung Supermal, bringing shopping to another level for the population of Bandung.
The latest addition to the group was added in February 2002 at Mal Taman Anggrek, giving access to METRO customers living in West Jakarta. The 4 department stores with more than 500,000 square feet of retail space offer a wide variety of merchandise from well-known international labels to famous local brands. METRO, now a familiar household name, will continue to showcase retail merchandising at its best for Indonesians.
As a leading full-lined store, METRO's top priority is focused on serving the shopping needs of our customers. Our commitment is to serve our customers with the best possible selection, quality, value and service. The company's philoshopy is to provide our customers with convenient shopping environments catering to their every need and comfort.
Grab the most exciting career opportunity and grow with us, METRO Department Store, the first multinational retail company in Asia Pacific qualified by the ISO 9001:2008.
Technician / Teknisi (TEK)
- Pria, usia maks 28 tahun. Pendidikan min. STM/SMK Elektro.
- Pengalaman min. 1 tahun sebagai Teknisi.
- Memahami plumbing, kelistrikan dan maintenance.
- Lebih disukai berpengalaman di retail / hotel.
- Wanita, min. SMU/setara, usia maks. 30 tahun
- Pengalaman sebagai Security min. 1 tahun
- Tinggi badan min. 158 cm (wanita) dengan berat badan proporsional.
- Lebih disukai memiliki kemampuan bela diri.
- Pria, min. SMU/setara. Usia maks 30 tahun.
- Memiliki SIM B1 dan berpengalaman sebagai Driver/Supir min. 1 tahun.
- Mengetahui jalan-jalan di sekitar Jabodetabek.
- Your main responsibilities are to manage and support a multi-site Windows Server, including file and printer sharing, backup administration, user and group administration, troubleshooting, and software license tracking. You are also expected to implement data backup strategy.
- Juggling with simultaneous tasks, you are expected to be a self-starter, independent and have good time management.
- Male, max 30 years old, S1 in Computer Science / Computer Engineering, and min. of 3 years experience in Microsoft Infrastructure System (Active Directory, Exchange Server, ISA Server). You should also acquire skills in TCP/IP Networking, Network Security, Firewalls, WAN Routers and Network Infrastructure. Having experience in network implementation, operational, support and monitoring, is an advantage. Communication skill in English is required.
- You will be responsible for developing all aspects of graphic design and creative concept.
- Male / female, max 28 years old with bachelor degree in Graphic Design / Visual Communication Design and min 2 years experience in related function.
- Responsible for total brand management in terms of marketing, sales, operations and product development; including brand concepts, developments and execution or marketing strategies, and advertising & promotional activities. You are expected to have strong negotiating, as well as excellent communication skills, and ability to manage a sales team.
- Male/female, max. 35 years old, min. Bachelor / S1 degree.
- Min. 3 years experience in brand marketing of fashion products is essential.
- Fluent in English and able to operate Microsoft Office.
- Female, max. 27 years old, min. D3 graduate in Administration.
- Computer literate and preferably having at least 1 year experience in administration.
- Experience in retail industry is an advantage.
- You are responsible to assist the brand marketing team in administration aspects and in coordinating with internal as well as external parties to ensure the department function is well-implemented.
- Female, max. 27 years old, min. D3 graduate.
- Should be excellent in operating MS Office, and have good command of English, both verbal & written.
- Should have at least 1 year of experience in administration field.
- Reporting to the Brand Marketing Manager, the Loyalty-Program Supervisor is responsible in managing the implementation of customer-loyalty programs aiming to retain and increase the number of customers of brands managed by Metro (Birkenstock, bYSI, Mila, Mood, s.Oliver, etc).
- You should be able to propose activities, analyze data and evaluate the effectiveness of each delivered program.
- Male/female, age 28 – 35, min. Bachelor’s degree. Min.2 years experience in managing similar customer-loyalty programs.
- Your communication skill should be excellent, both in Bahasa Indonesia and in English. Strong computer skill is required, especially MS Excel, MS Word and MS Power Point.
- Reporting to the Brand Marketing Manager, the Social Media Coordinator is responsible in launching and managing our social network accounts on Facebook, Twitter dan other relevant Web 2.0 sites.
- You should be able to work across departments to ensure that proper messaging is being executed online, and is relevant to organizational goals
- You are also responsible to manage online discussions and respond in a timely manner to users’ needs and requests.
- Male/female, age 25-28, min. Bachelor’s degree - preferably in Communication. Min.2 years experience in online social media or fashion online networking is required. Experience in customer service area is also an advantage.
- Your communication skill should be excellent, both in Bahasa Indonesia and in English. Strong computer skill is required, especially in MS Excel and MS Word.
- Wanita, maks. 23 th, pendidikan min. setara SMU/SMK.
- Berpenampilan menarik & proporsional. Tinggi badan min. 158 cm (wanita) dan 168 cm (pria).
- Memiliki pengalaman 1 tahun sebagai pramuniaga.
- Ramah serta memiliki kemampuan berkomunikasi & keterampilan menjual yang baik.
- Wanita, min. SMU/setara, usia maks. 28 tahun
- Pengalaman sebagai Security min. 1 tahun
- Tinggi badan min. 158 cm (wanita) dan 168 cm (pria).
- Lebih disukai memiliki kemampuan bela diri
- If you have basic knowledge of interior design / fashion design, and has strong interest in retail fashion & merchandise display, you can begin your career as part of our visual merchandising team. The team is responsible for creating the concept of our stores’ display & decoration, and implementing the concept to support the every promotional event accordingly.
- Male/female, max. 25, min. S1 graduate, preferably in Interior Design or Fashion Design.
- Has flair for fashion and unbelievably creative. Ability to operate Photoshop is an advantage.
IT Staff (ITS)
- Responsible for IT system implementation in store.
- Male, max 27 years old.
- Min. S1 graduate in Computer Science. Acquiring Excel, network & PC.
- You are responsible to support all departments by developing coding programs based on program specification.
- Female, max. 27 years old. We welcome S1 Fresh Graduates in Computer Science/Information System/Information Technology to apply.
- Has intensive knowledge in O/S HP UX, RDBMS and other programming languages. Should posses strong analytical & logical programming skills.
- METRO Management Trainee Program is designed to meet the company’s demand of Sales Supervisor positions. Reporting to the Department Executive, a Sales Supervisor is stationed on the selling floor and is responsible for achieving the sales target by managing the people as well as the merchandise of his/her particular department.
- If you have strong interest to build your career in retail industry, especially in store operation functions, this is the position you should apply. However, since you will be part of the operation team, your should be prepared to work at weekends and in shift-system.
- We welcome S1 Fresh Graduates to apply, or D3 Graduates if you already have working experience in retail. Being computer literate and able to communicate in English are required. You also ought to have good communication, coordination and analytical skills, and potential to lead people.
- You will be responsible for the execution of projects, starting from identifying requirements, selection of sources, budgeting, controlling and monitoring.
- Male / female, max. 30, S1 graduate from Architecture. Min 5 years experience in architectural / interior design, including at least 2 in retail industry
- Your main responsibility is to implement strategies for budgeting, sourcing and managing the right merchandise to support the achievement of targeted sales.
- Bachelor Degree / S1 graduate with minimum 3 years experience in retail merchandising.
- You are expected to have good vision in trend of lifestyle as well as strong analytical & interpersonal skills. You should have a sharp sense of business and negotiation skill.
- Computer literate (esp. Microsoft Office) and have excellent communication skill in English. Ability to operate Adobe Reader and MS Project is an advantage.
- Your main function is to maintain the company’s RDMBS / database system, including data back-up & restoration, daily monitoring of database effective performance and development of the database system to enhance its effectiveness.
- To perform the function, you should have knowledge and skill in Unix / Linux Varian operating system and be capable of database logic file system.
- Male, age max. 28, min. Bachelor’s degree in Information Technology. At least 1 year of experience in the same function.
- Your communication skill should be excellent, both in Bahasa Indonesia and in English.
Visual Merchandising (VM)
- You will be responsible for the implementation of visual merchandising / display in our stores.
- Male/Female, age between 23 – 27. D3 graduate in art or design. Min 1 year experience in related background, preferably in retail industry. Has flair for fashion and interior decoration.
All candidates should have good command of English, both written and spoken. Be computer-literate, especially in operating MS Office. Working experience in retail industry will be an advantage.
Only qualified candidates who meet the above qualifications will be invited for interviews.
By Post
HRD Department
PT. Metropolitan Retailmart
Mal Pondok Indah Level 3 Utara
Jl. Metro Pondok Indah Blok III - B
Jakarta 12310
Kindly indicate the position applied at the top left side of envelope for quick processing.
By Email
career@metroindonesia.com --- Update : Friday, November 16, 2012
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Recent Job Search:
Lowongan Kerja METRO Department Store Terbaru September 2012
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